Next Tuesday, June 28, former Republican Rep. Jeff Fortenberry will learn in a Los Angeles courtroom whether he will go to prison for lying to the FBI about illegal campaign donations.
And back in Nebraska that same day, voters in Congressional District 1 will determine who will go to Washington D.C. to fill the remainder of Felonious Fortenberry’s term, which expires in January.
This is a no-brainer, folks. Democratic state Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks has momentum heading into the Special Election against Republican Sen. Mike Flood.
But it will take all hands on deck — Democrats and Independents (and even right-thinking Republicans) — to join together and go to the polls Tuesday (find your polling place) or vote early (find your local election office) to make the right choice.
For Lancaster County voters—you can vote in person on Saturday, June 25 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at 601 N 46th St., Lincoln. Medical Marijuana organizers will be outside so you can also sign the petition.
The editorial board of the Lincoln Journal Star is urging voters to go with Pansing Brooks.
Pansing Brooks, who has served two legislative terms representing central Lincoln, is particularly well versed in more urban issues, economic development, affordable housing, health care, criminal justice and prison reform.
Pansing Brooks also has espoused proactive efforts addressing alternative energy and climate change, the long term effects of which could devastatingly impact the state and country, and has prioritized support of our increasingly diverse population, with protections against discrimination on race and sexual orientation and an emphasis on human rights.
The most critical quality needed by the district’s next representative, however, isn’t related to a stance on a specific issue or a detailed political philosophy. It is an ability to bring people together, both outside Congress and within, working across the aisle to find ways to address complicated, divisive issues that can be broadly supported.
As a Democrat working in what former Gov. J.J. Exon called the “non-partisan Republican Legislature,” Pansing Brooks has had to do just that in her eight years in the Unicameral. And she has made working together for all Nebraskans a centerpiece of her campaign.
Please vote!
The NDP is planning actions response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade and women’s right to obtain abortions. There are events Friday, June 24 in Lincoln and Monday, June 27 in Omaha and Kearney.
Speaking of CD1, please join in a Day of Action for Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks on June 25 to help push her to victory!
NDP Chair Jane Kleeb called out Gov. Pete Ricketts this week for his lack of action and the irresponsible comments he made on high gas prices.
Ricketts said, among other things, that resuming leases to drill on federal land and reviving the Keystone XL pipeline (which was an export pipeline for tar sands not used for car fuel) would help relieve prices. He also failed to blame oil companies for taking record profits. Lastly, Ricketts refuses to take the one action he could have done at any moment — issue a state gas tax holiday.
“Ricketts loves to place blame and not do anything,” Kleeb said.
She said besides a gas tax holiday, the state and Congress could ban oil exports to foreign countries, encourage higher ethanol blends which would help farmers and the environment and hold big oil companies accountable.
“All of the Republicans that represent us in Congress and in the Senate voted no against a bill that would have put some responsibility on big oil for price gauging,” Kleeb said.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at out Salute to Senators and State Central Committee meeting this weekend in Lincoln!
The NDP Coordinated Campaign is hiring Organizers to work in the Second Congressional District area (Douglas, Saunders, part of Sarpy).
Please send your resume and cover letter to #NebDems
The Tony Vargas for Congress campaign is looking for volunteers to join them to march and wave signs during an upcoming parade.
July 16: Tony Vargas for CD2 parade event Heartland Parade
The NDP is planning a Day of Action in anticipation of the June 27 release of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade and women’s right to obtain abortions.
Join Senator Carol Blood on July 17 for another great NPD training! Subject: What to do after the Primary Election.
Learn more about Dave Else, who is running for the CD3 seat!
Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor to help us help Dems win in 2022 and beyond! We need your help!
Join us on a Welcome-to-the-Party call!! We cover topics such as voter registration and redistricting.
The next call is June 28. Sign up here.
If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email
Get your NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store! There are lots of designs from which to choose.
We leave you this week with a rendering by Mike Luckovich.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to:
June 25: Salute to State Senators
June 25: CD1 Day of Action for Patty Pansing Brooks
June 26: NDP State Central Committee Meeting
June 26: North Bend Old Settlers Day Parade – Candidate Meet and Greet
June 26: Please join us to go Door-to-Door in Lincoln to get out the vote for Patty Pansing Brooks
June 26: Royers for Legislature signature gathering event
June 27: Block the Ban at the Ballot Box – Lincoln
June 27: Block the Ban at the Ballot Box – Omaha
June 28: CD1 Special Election
June 28: CD1 Special Election Watch Party
June 28: Royers for Legislature signature gathering event
June 29: Tony Vargas for Congress General Election Kick Off Party!
July 1: Deadline for application to the NDP Women’s Caucus for the Helen Boosalis Scholarship
July 2: Royers for Legislature signature gathering event
July 5: Royers for Legislature signature gathering event
July 7: CD2 team event
July 9-10: Heartland Pride Parade and Festival Omaha
July 9: Royers for Legislature signature gathering event
July 17: Join Senator Blood for another great NPD training! Subject: What to do after the Primary Election
Aug. 6: NDP Yard Sign Drive-Thru in Grand Island
Aug. 6: NDP Yard Sign Drive-Thru in Lincoln
Aug. 6: NDP Yard Sign Drive-Thru in Omaha
Oct 1: Morrison Exon event