Let's Build Together
#NebDems Passport Actions
As kids we all loved getting stickers for doing good work. Adults love stickers too :) Participate in democracy and build our party while being rewarded for doing good.
Be a Block Captain
Block Captains get a list of like-minded neighbors (Dem and Indy) and are asked to contact them 3 times per year (we provide training and materials). It is a fantastic community-building program that encourages civic engagement all year. Stronger communities make a stronger Nebraska.
Complete Block Captain voter contact tasks in 2024.
- April Contact–issue survey and vote by mail push.
- July Contact–summer fairs and parades.
- October Contact–voter guides.
Be The Second House
The legislature is back in session in January, get ready for extreme bills from the Republicans! Find information on your senator
- Contact your senator by phone
- Contact your senator by email or letter
- Testify at a hearing
- Email a committee
Be an Advocate
Your voice means so much to Nebraskans that are seeing their rights stripped away. Especially if an issue doesn’t impact you directly, being an ally and having your voice amplifying those that are impacted makes a huge difference.
- Attend a rally
- Attend a town hall
- Attend a community meeting
- Attend a board meeting (e.g. school, city council, county commission, public power, etc.)
Be a Voting Cheerleader
Research shows us that when neighbors talk to neighbors about issues important to them, people are more likely to vote.
- Encourage someone to register to vote
- Explain the new voter ID rules or how to vote by mail to someone
- Help a friend get an ID so they can vote
- Volunteer to be a poll worker

Be a Party Builder
The Nebraska Democratic Party is the only statewide organization that builds the grassroots infrastructure year-round and turns out Democrats and Independents to vote for Democrats.
- Attend a County Party meeting
- Join a Caucus or Council
- Become a State Central Committee member
- Attend your County Convention
- Attend the State Convention
- Put up a candidate yard sign
- Volunteer for a candidate– you can knock doors, phone bank, text bank or write postcards
- Become a monthly donor to the party which helps us organize year-round, recruit candidates and turnout voters
Be a Democratic Voice
- Write a Letter to the Editor (A short LTE can help people understand current events and is a great way to let others know they are not alone in rural communities.)
- Call into a Talk Radio show (Did you know the governor has an occasional radio show?!)
- Talk about why you are a Democrat on social media (hello you TikTok cool kids) Use #NebDems and #NebDemsPassport
- Wear a Democratic Party t-shirt, tote bag or hat everywhere you go
When you complete your actions, print this page (or use your Democrats Deliver newspaper), mark your tasks and send this form to NDP, 3701 O St, Lincoln NE 68510, or email a picture to We will then be in touch to give you a code for the #NebDems store if you are eligible for one of those items.
*If you do not have a printer, a handwritten list is just fine.
Complete 4 Tasks
Proud Democrat Sticker

Complete 8 tasks
Biden/Harris Sticker
Complete 12 tasks
Tote Bag, Hat or Mug

Complete 16 tasks
Hoodie or Shirt
Complete 24 or more tasks
Get all of the other perks AND a ticket to the Salute to State Senators or a discounted ticket to the Ben Nelson Dinner in 2024