Nebraska Democrats holding Block Captain Trainings Statewide

The Nebraska Democratic Party has created and expanded on our Block Captain Program. Block Captains are responsible for connecting with 50 voters in their community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. We currently have over 500 block captains across the state

The Nebraska Democratic Party is hosting trainings in five different locations to train and our provide new materials for our Block Captains.

Who: Nebraska Democratic Officers and Staff, NDP Block Captains, and Local Democrats

What: Participate in a training on how to knock on the doors of their neighbors and give them information on Democratic candidates.

When: Saturday, July 14th, 2:00-3:00 PM.

Where: In five different locations throughout the state:

Lincoln: Lancaster County Democratic Party, 830 L St, Lincoln, NE 68508

Omaha: Kumani Center, 4200 N 30th St; Omaha, NE 68111

Kearney: Kearney Public Library, 2020 1st Ave, Kearney, NE 68847

North Platte: North Platte Public Library, 120 West 4th Street, North Platte, NE 69101

Alliance: Knight Museum and Sandhills center, 908 Yellowstone Ave., Alliance, NE 69301

Press Avail: Nebraska Democrats and activists getting together to be trained on how to win elections.

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