这 内布拉斯加州民主党妇女核心小组 is taking applications through July 1st for the Helen Boosalis Inspiring Women Scholarships.
The Women’s Caucus will be awarding three scholarships of $500, one in each congressional district, to young Democratic women who are either entering college this fall or current college students.
Young women are encouraged to submit: a resume, a biography, and a 500-word essay on a woman in politics or a woman activist who inspires you. The three requirements should be submitted to ndpwomenscaucus@gmail.com. Questions can also be directed there.
The scholarship is named after Lincoln city councilwoman, Lincoln mayor, and Nebraska trailblazer, Helen Boosalis. She made United States history in 1986 by challenging Kay Orr in the first gubernatorial election fielding women from the two major parties.
To learn more about her incredible story and legacy, visit: https://journalstar.com/news/local/former-lincoln-mayor-boosalis-dies/article_fffe6466-61bd-5a93-8a3f-6a48a75db445.html
While you’re at it, check out this cool video regarding the 1986 gubernatorial election: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjdyNvQtP_o