A Message for NDP Block Captains

Dear Block Captains,

Thank you for being patient with us as we transition our work given all of the risks of the Coronavirus pandemic. The inability to conduct door-to-door canvassing is hard for candidates and Block Captains, but together we can still connect with voters on the phone, text, email and with postcards to help elect Democrats. 

We hope we included everything here for you to get started in contacting your 50 voters. 

Chair Jane Kleeb and I will host a Facebook Live training and answer session on Monday, March 30 at noon CT. You can submit any questions or areas you want us to cover in the training, please email me at gina@nebraskademocrats.org

Who am I supposed to contact as my 50 voters?

Attached is a contact list (aka your turf) of the voters assigned to you — it includes the addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of your neighbors so that you can safely contact them from a distance. 

What am I supposed to be telling my 50 voters?

Your calls and emails to your voters will be focused on encouraging people to fill out a Vote-By- Mail Application so they can vote safely from home.

The script for those calls and emails is included below.

You can also send postcards or handwritten notes if you prefer.

When do I start to make calls or send emails and when are Vote-By-Mail Applications being sent to voters?

We would like everyone to start calling and emailing now and complete your calls/emails by April 15.

As of March 26, the Governor announced that ALL counties will be sending voters the Vote-By-Mail Application. 

Some counties have already sent them and some are in process. Essentially, by next week, all voters will have received an application. 

We need you to call and email your voters to make sure they fill out the Vote-By-Mail Application so they can vote safely from their homes and apartments.

The NDP Voting Center has lots of other detailed information about the voting process:.

Vote-By-Mail Applications are due no later than May 1 to each County Election office. Ballots start to get mailed on April 6, so the sooner people get in their Vote-By-Mail Application sent in, the sooner they get their Vote-By-Mail Ballot.

Where can I find tips on making calls to voters?

In your Block Captain Guide, we have lots of great tips on making phone calls and connecting to voters over the phone. Go to page 15.

How do I get the responses back to the NDP?

You have four options to get the data back to us:

  1. Download the MiniVAN Touch app (available on Google Play or in the App Store). This is the preferred method and makes your calls much easier and seamless as long as you have a smart phone.
    1. After you download the app, you will be prompted to create an Action ID (that’s your account).
    2. You will then be asked to “Enter a List Number” — this can be found on the bottom page of the PDF of your turf (your list of voters).
  2. Scan and email the results back to gina@nebraskademocrats.org.
  3. Mail them back to the Lincoln office, NDP, 3701 O St. #200 Lincoln, NE 68510.
  4. Request access to our voter file (aka The VAN) to enter the data yourself.

As Block Captains, we have a unique ability to reach our neighbors, not just to talk about politics, but also about their general welfare. The Block Captain program is about community and compassion, just like being a Democrat is about community and compassion. We all do better, when we ALL do better. 

People are struggling right now and these calls may be emotionally taxing. Take breaks, practice self care, and reach out to me if you need support.

If you are home and are bored, we have virtual phone banks to reach voters beyond your 50 assigned contacts. Let me know if you are interested in participating in the virtual phone banks.

Chair Kleeb and I will do a Block Captain training on the NDP Facebook page on Monday, March 30 at Noon CT. You can watch it live or when you have time. It should last about 15 minutes.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. 

Thank you for serving as a Block Captain — it is because of you we will win elections!

-Gina Frank, Block Captain Director
402-613-0721 (text prefered)

Script for Block Captains (make your calls or emails by April 15)

Hi is [[Voter]] there? 

This is [[Block Captain Name]] with the Nebraska Democratic Party. I am the Block Captain for our neighborhood and I wanted to check in and see how you are doing.

We are encouraging people to vote from home in the Primary Election. Gov. Ricketts announced ALL voters will get a Vote-By-Mail Application sent to them. Most voters got those last week or will very soon.  

Did you get your Vote-By-Mail Application?

  • I sent my Application in already (returned)
  • I have not received a Vote-By-Mail Application yet (not received)
  • I received it but have not returned it (not returned)

(If received but not returned yet) Do you have any questions about your form? 

The Vote-byMail Application MUST be received by your county election commission by May 1, so please send it today.

When you get your ballot sent to you–county election offices will start sending ballots on April 6–you can look up the Democratic candidates on nebraskademocrats.org. 

Your ballot is due by May 12 but we strongly encourage you to get it back in the mail as soon as possible to avoid any mail delays.

Thank you for being a voter and hopefully I will be able to see you at your door later this summer or early fall!

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