Clumsy Clog of Incompetence and more — #NebDems News

As the world, the nation and Nebraska continue to reel from the impact of the coronavirus, President Trump persists in flailing about in a clumsy clog of incompetence.

On Wednesday, as the United States barreled toward having the most cases of Covid-19 in the world, Trump took to his electric Twitter machine to attack and ridicule Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Robert S. Mueller III, Michael Avenatti, Mitt Romney, the “LameStream media,” “CORRUPT & FAKE NEWS,” “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and liberal “snowflakes.”

مثل Washington Post’s Dana Milbank penned:

“Meanwhile, as Trump pits states against each other and announces a reckless plan to reopen American workplaces by Easter with the virus still raging, Democratic and Republican governors, filling the leadership vacuum, have united in rejecting his ludicrous plan.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican and head of the National Governors Association, dismissed “this imaginary clock,” while Republican governors in Texas, Arizona, Ohio and South Dakota joined Democratic governors coast to coast in insisting that public health come first.

A better president could unify us in common purpose. But while Trump declares himself a “wartime president,” he seems most skilled at civil warfare. He contributes false assurances, disinformation and attacks on Democratic governors.

…While Trump used the power of the presidency for self-aggrandizement and petty grievances, the governors governed.”

Glad somebody is.

Just 221 days until the election, folks.


دعا الحزب الوطني الديمقراطي وزير الخارجية بوب إيفنين والحاكم بيت ريكيتس إلى التفكير في الانتقال بالكامل إلى التصويت عبر البريد للانتخابات الأولية في 12 مايو في ضوء جائحة فيروس كورونا.

They announced Thursday that Nebraska will have in-person voting on May 12, but that ALL Nebraska counties will be sending Vote-by-Mail applications to all voters soon.

الحزب الوطني الديمقراطي هو تعميم عريضة للمطالبة بأن تذهب نبراسكا إلى انتخابات أولية بنظام التصويت عن طريق البريد من أجل سلامة الجميع.

أطلق الحزب الوطني الديمقراطي بوابة إلكترونية لنبراسكان لطلب إرسال طلب التصويت عبر البريد إليهم.

ببساطة املأ هذا النموذج.

Simplemente llene la forma.


In the meantime, Sen. Ben Sasse displayed his own finely honed skills of inept governance this week by failing to stand up for hard-working Nebraskans who are suffering income loss due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Sasse (and three GOP colleagues) held up the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus and relief package because — wait for it — it might give unemployed Nebraskans who lost their jobs due to the coronavirus $600 extra a week. That, Sasse hypothesized, might convince some workers to quit their jobs or not go back to work when offered their old job back.

The New York Times blasted the move, calling it “not just meanspirited but misguided.”

“The proposed unemployment benefits, they said, were much too generous. Yes, that’s right: They worried the federal government was in danger of doing too much to help low-income workers whose jobs are being sacrificed to save lives,” The Times’ editorial board said.

NDP Chair Jane Kleeb told the أوماها وورلد هيرالد: “I think it’s disgusting that Sen. Sasse thinks that workers would rather sit at home than have the dignity of their job.”

It’s time to put Ben Sasse on the unemployment rolls.


Our friends over at the ولاية نبراسكا AFL-CIO wanted all to see the following message about declaring food distribution, grocery stores, and food manufacturing as essential businesses — and the need to ensure that those workers who are risking their health to have the same protections as other emergency service providers.



In a seemingly rare bit of good news, this week marked the 10th anniversary of President Barack’s Obama’s signature legislation — the Affordable Care Act.

The ACA immediately gave tax breaks to small companies to help them cover the cost of employee health care, protected people with pre-existing conditions and enabled young people to remain on their parents’ health insurance until age 26. It banned lifetime limits for how much care someone can receive. It required free preventive care.

And to this day, the Trump Administration and the GOP continue their efforts to get the law struck down.


Due to the coronavirus, the NDP’s March SCC Meeting was held online and on the phone last Saturday. There were a few minor, first-time glitches, but the NDP’s business got done.

We are working on using the Zoom app for future meetings, which will smooth things.

Also, we will keep you all apprised of any developments impacting our county and state conventions this May and June and the Democratic National Convention in July in Milwaukee.


The Nebraska Democratic Party is focused on making sure our elections are accessible and that the public is safe. We are shifting the majority of our resources to assist candidates to campaign in a new virtual world and to assist voters to Vote By Mail.

انقر هنا للتسجيل لإجراء مكالمات وإرسال نصوص للمرشحين.


We have an update for NDP Block Captains — published today — for contacting voters now that door-knocking is out.

يمكنك قراءتها هنا.

طن من المعلومات العظيمة.

Plus, we will be doing a Facebook Live Block Captain training this Monday.


بالنسبة للمرشحين ، قام الحزب الوطني الديمقراطي بتجميع دليل للحملات أثناء فيروس كورونا ، التي يمكنك قراءتها هنا.

شكرًا لأصدقائنا في معهد الإدارة ، وشركة الثلاثاء ، ومختبر M&R ، و Power Labs ، و Progressphiles listserv ، و ، و ASDC ، و DNC ، وحزب ميسوري الديمقراطي ، وأحزاب ولجان ديمقراطية أخرى على مستوى الولاية لتقديم بعض المحتوى الذي أعدنا استخدامه لأغراض أخرى هذا الدليل.

في ضوء وباء الفيروس التاجي وتوصيات Nebraska Democratic Party بإلغاء التجمعات الشخصية وتأجيل جميع الحملات الشخصية واعتماد بيئات افتراضية / بعيدة ، نريد تزويد مرشحينا والأحزاب الديمقراطية المحلية والمنظمات الناشطة المتحالفة معها بتوصيات حول كيفية القيام بذلك. مواصلة الحملات والبقاء على اتصال مع المؤيدين خلال فيروس كورونا.


نتركك هذا الأسبوع مع عرض من قبل Clay Jones on Trump’s wild, off-script wanderings during televised news conferences of his coronavirus task force.

بقلم كيفن أوهانلون ، مدير الاتصالات في الحزب الوطني الديمقراطي

ملاحظة: إذا كنت ترغب في تلقي أخبار #NebDems عبر البريد الإلكتروني ، فما عليك سوى إعلامنا عن طريق إرسال ملاحظة إلى:


تواريخ مهمة

ملاحظة: تم تأجيل جميع الأحداث الشخصية للحزب الوطني الديمقراطي حتى إشعار آخر. تحقق من صفحتنا على Facebook وموقع الويب للحصول على التحديثات. إذا كنت قد خططت لحضور أي أحداث غير تابعة لـ NDP ، فنحن نحثك على التحقق مع المنظمين بشأن الحالة.

30 مارس: Block Captain Training (via FB Live)

8 أبريل: NDP County Chairs meeting (via Zoom) Details forthcoming.

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