Our party is built by the grassroots. We want to make sure the investments that fuel our party also come from the grassroots! Perks for being a monthly donor listed below!
Donate Now to be a Party Builder!
$27 or lower a month
- 1 annual Morrison Exon (ME) Dinner tix, the ME Dinner is the annual premier party event
- Bumper sticker
$50 a month
- 2 ME Dinner tixs and 2 VIP reception tixs
- Bumper sticker
$100 a month
- Picture with Keynote speaker
- 2 ME Dinner tixs and 2 VIP reception tixs
- Bumper sticker
$250 a month
- Picture with Keynote speaker
- 2 ME Dinner tix and 2 VIP reception tixs
- Front table reserved at ME Dinner with you selecting who else sits at the table!
- Bumper sticker