The Nebraska Democratic Party and Lancaster County Democratic Party looks forward to seeing all the SEC and SCC members along with County Chairs, Candidates, Elected Officials and Grassroots Democrats at our Meeting in Lincoln, March 29-31, 2019.
The featured caucus in March is the Latinx Caucus! They have a great event planned for Friday night with food, music and dancing.
نحن نشجع جميع الديمقراطيين والمستقلين على الحضور حتى تتعلم كيفية المشاركة في عمليات الحزب والحملات. في اجتماعاتنا الفصلية ، يُجري الحزب الوطني الديمقراطي أعمالًا حزبية ، ويلتقي التجمعات القائمة على القضايا والدوائر الانتخابية للتخطيط للأحداث ، ونجتمع لتعزيز أهداف الحزب.
There are important elections in Lincoln this year and we will work tirelessly to elect Democrats there in 2019. In addition, we know that this year is a crucial building block leading up to the 2020 elections. The relationships and infrastructure we build today is how Democrats will win elections in Nebraska tomorrow.
يمكن إرسال جميع الأسئلة بالبريد الإلكتروني إلى
الروابط الرئيسية:
Fun things to do while in Lincoln
Lincoln has numerous hotels to stay at so we did not choose one hotel. Here are a few options and we know folks use Expedia and other hotel sites to find affordable rooms.
Hilton Garden Inn Lincoln- Haymarket
Hyatt Place Lincoln/Downtown- Haymarket
Hampton Inn Lincoln – South/Heritage Park
مواقع الاجتماعات وجدول الأعمال:
March 29: Latinx Caucus and Reception, The Bay, 2005 Y St, Lincoln, NE
The event is from 6-8pm CT. This is a reception with the featured Latinx Caucus including food, drinks, music and dancing. Tickets to the event are $12, purchase here:
March 30: Meetings and Trainings, Southeast Community College, 8800 O st, Lincoln, NE
7:30 – 11:00 am
تسجيل الوصول والتسجيل
8:00 – 9:00 am
تجمع الديمقراطيين الذين يعانون من الإعاقة
تجمع الأديان
تجمع السكان الأصليين
التجمع الريفي والزراعي
تجمع المحاربين القدامى
Mini-VAN Training
9-9:10am Break
9:10 – 10:10am
تجمع أسود
كتلة المناخ
تجمع المثليين
اجتماع رؤساء المقاطعات
Voter Registration Training
تجمع نسائي
10:10-10:20am Break
10:20 – 11:20am
تجمع العائلات العاملة
نبراسكا الديموقراطيون الشباب
تجمع اللاتينكس
Digital Organizing Training
11:20-11:30am Break
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
اجتماع CD1
اجتماع CD2
اجتماع CD3
12:30-12:40pm Break
12:40 – 1:50 pm
Lunch and interactive training on Mini-VAN/Hustle. We will train everyone on this amazing tool and then work on a group text to help Lincoln candidates.
1:50-2pm Break
2:00 – 5:00 pm
اجتماع اللجنة المركزية للدولة
5:00-6:00 pm
Voter Registration Training
Digital Organizing Training
Block Captain Meet-Up
March 31th: Interfaith and Canvass Events
Sunday morning
Interfaith Caucus will hand out information on services in the area if you would like to attend on Sunday.
11:00am – 3:00 pm
Walk-in volunteer time at the Lancaster Democratic Party office (new address 3701 O St Lincoln, NE) to help Lincoln candidates. NDP staff will be there to get you started on a canvass walk packet, phone calls, text or postcard writing. We have a primary on April 9 and the general election is May 7. These are critical elections for Mayor, City Council and School Board. Put your Saturday training right to work to elect Democrats.
Further Information for SCC Members:
العناصر التي ستحصل SCC على تحديثات عليها و / أو تأخذها في الاعتبار للتصويت خلال اجتماع يوم السبت:
NDP Bylaw 5.2 County Chairs on SCC
NDP Bylaw 5.7.3 ACO Social Media & Website Access
NDP Code of Conduct as submitted to SCC
Nebraska Secular Democrats Bylaws