Unity Reform Commission Proposal

Later this week, the DNC will vote on the Unity Reform Commission and Rules and Bylaws Committees’ proposal to change the way that Presidential Primaries are run. Chair Kleeb has worked hard on the Unity Reform Commission to make sure that this process is open to as many voters as possible and as fair as can be. We owe it to Democratic voters to let everyone’s voices be heard in electing our nominee for President.

Check out the reforms here.

You can email us at info@nebraskademocrats.org to tell us your support for these reforms.

Several Chairs from the Midwest co-authored a letter to other DNC members encouraging them to vote for the reforms. You can see that letter below.


Fellow Democrats,

In the heartland, we understand how critical it is to earn back the trust of our Democratic voters. The Unity Reform Commission and Rules and Bylaws Committee worked hard to put forward common sense reforms that we not only fully support but that many in our states helped write.

In the heartland, we value fairness above anything else, and these reforms put forward a fair and transparent primary process for selecting a presidential nominee. It was time for us as a body to look hard at the caucus and primary system and put forward reforms that ensure fairness and the most participation by voters. There is a tremendous amount of responsibility on our shoulders — we do not just come to two meetings a year and call it a day. Our responsibility is to look at problems from the past and our opportunities in the future so that we can elect more Democratic candidates to help our working families in the heartland. These reforms represent a shared responsibility among all DNC members.

In the heartland, the DNC delegates from the states of Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota are unanimous in support of the RBC’s recommendations. We thank Chair Tom Perez for his leadership, and we are ready to elect more Democratic candidates in the heartland and beyond. Vote “yes” at the DNC meeting in Chicago.


John Gibson, Kansas Chair

Jane Kleeb, Nebraska Chair

Ann Tornberg, South Dakota Chair

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