The General Election is November 3, 2020.
Check out the NDP’s Voting Center for information on how to Vote By Mail, polling locations and answers to other questions around voting rights.
Donating to the NDP helps all Democratic candidates on the ballot.

We are in a battle for the soul of America.
It’s time to remember who we are. We’re Americans: tough and resilient. We choose hope over fear. Science over fiction. Truth over lies. And unity over division. We treat each other with dignity, we leave nobody behind, and we give hate no safe harbor.
We are the United States of America. And together, there is not a single thing we cannot do.

I’m a 6th generation Nebraskan who was raised on my family’s farm near Palmyra. As a social worker and then as a State Senator, I have been a proven fighter for Nebraska families by working to make our state fairer and more prosperous. As your next Congresswoman, I will be the independent voice Washington desperately needs.

Hi, I’m Kara Eastman and I will fight for Nebraskans in Congress. Issues like health care, tackling student debt and taking on corporate power are matters that are deeply important to me. I will represent Nebraska with passion, intelligence and effectiveness.

I’m running for re-election to the Nebraska Legislature. I will continue removing hurdles to employment to create better job opportunities for our military families and Nebraska residents, work to maintain our state’s strong education system, and find ways to balance the current tax system while generating additional revenue that doesn’t come out of taxpayers’ pockets. No rhetoric, only action.

It has been a great honor to serve South Omaha in the Nebraska Unicameral. I have worked hard to support our neighborhoods by ensuring we provide good public safety, quality education, and well paying jobs. I ask you to look over my record of accomplishments over the past four years and I ask you for your vote.

I have devoted my career to public service and advocacy. Prior to my election to the legislature, I served an appointed term of three years to the Omaha Public Schools board, serving more than 52,000 students and 86 schools across the city. Since my election to the Legislature in 2016, I have successfully passed legislation on a variety of issues including equity in education, encouraging technology and innovation, juvenile justice, reforming predatory lending practices, improving consumer protections and health care access.

I’m a Omaha native and have nearly 20 years experience in public service and community engagement. I work for the Douglas County Public Defender’s office and represent the poor and underserved of Omaha. I graduated from Creighton Prep High School and received my bachelor’s degree in politics from the Catholic University of America and my law degree and a master’s in environmental policy from Vermont Law School.

I am a Nebraskan, an advocate for working families, and current president of the Omaha School Board. I believe in the power of public service and in pursuing fairness and access to the Good Life for all. In the Legislature, I plan on continuing my work to improve our public schools and ensure all of our kids are receiving the education they deserve. I am proud of my union experience and will fight for working families. I stand with small businesses and will work to ensure that we are building a place where talented Nebraskans want to stay to raise their families.

After graduating from Omaha North High School, I entered the U.S.Air Force and returned to Omaha as a sergeant. I earned my bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology through UNO’s Bootstrapping Program. I then entered the graduate program at UNO in guidance and counseling and earned a law degree at Creighton University Law School. I have lived in District 11 with my wife Teresa for over 40 years and we have three children.

I am running to represent District 11 in the Nebraska State Legislature because as a young Black man I believe that I don’t have the luxury to wait for change, nor sit out another election. Frederick Douglass once said, “power concedes nothing without struggle.” District 11 is located in Historic North Omaha, which has issues that have been years in the making, and we can’t wait four more years to solve them. Our Legislature has a massive need for more young voices, especially from underserved communities, to give proper attention to 21st-Century challenges.

I have spent the past four years working to fight injustice and secure economic opportunities for my constituents. If District 13 sends me back, I’ll continue to grow our state and move Nebraska from good to great. As chair of the Urban Affairs Committee, I introduced legislation to create a Regional Metropolitan Transit Authority and also won approval of a constitutional amendment to enhance tax increment financing in low income communities. Going forward my priorities will be increased benefits for small and emerging businesses and the decriminalization of non-violent drug offenses.

As your senator, I will explore incentives that help entrepreneurs and small businesses succeed in rural Nebraska. I will ensure rural school districts have the funding they need to prepare our kids for the future and find a property tax relief proposal that is equitable for all Nebraskans. Let’s make “The Good Life” of Nebraska a reality for everyone and work to preserve it for future generations.

I was raised on my family’s small livestock farm near Fontanelle. During the first term, I completed a multitude of my campaign promises, including legislation to improve protection and quality of life for people with disabilities, providing relief for first-responders injured in the line of duty, additional funding in nursing homes efforts to create economic development across Nebraska. I am a strong advocate to make schools safer and stronger for kids, and to make sure the most vulnerable Nebraskans are treated with dignity and respect.

I am a lifelong resident of Northwest Lancaster, and the current Vice President of Client Relations for Mid America Casing Supply in Airpark. I serve on the Lincoln-Lancaster Keno/Human Services Advisory Board. I also currently sit on the Board of Directors for Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties as well as the Highlands Neighborhood Association. I am a member of Lincoln’s Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Group, a graduate from the Lincoln Public School’s Citizens Academy.

I have dedicated my career to public service. My focus is simple: pass and reform policies that grow and develop Nebraska families. I believe the growth of Nebraska families has been stifled by policies supporting high healthcare costs, economic policies that support interest groups, and policies that pull access and support from state education. I am proud to have been a student in Lincoln Public Schools and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I bleed Nebraska red and I am ready to represent Nebraska’s constituents in the Legislature.

I have spent five years building meaningful relationships with the people of District 27 and Nebraska. I listen to what is most important to you, your families, your businesses and for our community. These conversations have inspired and guided my work at the Legislature, and I will continue to listen and learn what is important to you while I am serving.

My deep roots in Nebraska reach back five generations. My family purchased land under the Homestead Act and settled near McCool Junction in York County in 1873. I am running for the Legislature because, as a new father, I believe we need to have elected leaders who will work together for our kids, grandkids, and shared future. I am running to move beyond the typical political rhetoric and partisan gridlock to solve the real problems that our families, communities, and state are facing.

I have lived in Legislative District 31 since I was 10. I graduated from Millard West High School in 2003. After earning my bachelor’s in social science education, I returned to Millard West in 2007 to teach social studies. Now a 12-year veteran educator with a master’s in history from UNO, I have taught history, government, and geography to thousands of students in this community. I was twice named Debate Coach of the Year for the Nebraska District of the National Speech and Debate Association, and in 2016 was named the Nebraska Teacher of the Year.

I have first-hand knowledge of the struggles of living paycheck to paycheck. I have worked countless hours to fight for my own family. Now, I work for you. In my first term, I put future generations first by providing communities with economic development tools to increase access to early childhood education and made it harder for children to obtain tobacco and vaping products. I championed legislation to keep neighborhoods, redevelop properties into affordable housing and passed legislation to protect victims of human trafficking.

If you’ve ever worried about your job security when you became pregnant, you should vote for me. If you’ve ever seen your child’s favorite language class or extra curricular get cut because of budget concerns, you should vote for me. If you’ve steadily watched your property taxes climb year after year, you should vote for me. I’m the candidate that has experienced all of these things and I’m ready to protect you from them by working in the legislature.

As a teacher at Bellevue Public Schools for 33 years and current Executive Director of Nebraska Science Olympiad, I know that investing in our kids and creating more opportunities for families is vital to our collective success. I’m running to be a representative of the people and fight for strong schools, good-paying jobs, and better services for our veterans

Through getting involved in politics via undergraduate studies in Political Science at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, as well as local activist and advocacy groups, I have noticed that a voice is missing in politics; the voice of everyday people. As a working mother of two boys, a small business owner, and a wife, I am hoping to change what representation looks like in Nebraska from something less about being a part of the political elite and more about the values and needs of the people they represent.
State Board of Education
Local Races
Jerry Yacevich, Dakota City
Angie Lauritsen, Gretna
Cheryl Spencer, Minatare
John D. Webster, Wood River
City Councils and County Boards
Verna Rae Clampitt, Alda Village Board
Margie Durflinger, Alexandria Village Board
Thomas Clark, Auburn City Council, Ward 1
Jeff Jeanneret, Auburn City Council, Ward 3
Harold Ehmke, Avoca Village Board
David M. Trudeau, Battle Creek City Council
Martin J. Marquez, Bayard City Council
Phil Cook, Beatrice City Council, Ward 1
Gary Barnard, Beatrice City Council,Ward 4
Willis Mahler, Village of Beemer Board
Todd Santoro, Bellevue City Council At-Large
Thomas Burns, Bellevue City Council, Ward 1
Don Preister, Bellevue City Council, Ward 5
Dianne Waldmeier, Belvidere Village Board
Robert Pearson, Blair City Council, Ward 2
Tim Sedlacek, Blue Springs City Council, Ward 2
Thomas Kobus, Butler County Supervisor, District 2
Roger Nickolite, Butler County Supervisor District 4
Daniel Ebers, Cambridge City Council 2
Todd Braun, Carleton Village Board
Dale Sharp, Cass County Commission, District 1
Kim Shanahan, Cedar Bluffs Village Board
Dave Teply, Chase County Commissioner, District 1
Joel Engel, Colfax County Board, District 1
Charlie Bahr, Columbus City Council, Ward 1
Natasha Gonzalez, Columbus City Council, Ward 4
Ronald Olds, Cozad City Council, East Ward 3
Scott A. Garman, Crab Orchard Village Board
Michael Uhing, Craig Village Board
David Nixon, Crawford City Council, North Ward
Eric Schroeder, Creighton City Council, At Large
Jack Oelschlager, Crete City Council, Ward 3
Gerald F Steffen, Crofton City Council
Roy L. Liermann, Cuming County Board, District. 4
Clint Rasmussen, Dakota City Council
Mark Dorcey, Dakota County Commissioner
Robert Giese, Dakota County Commissioner
Sandra Lopes, Dakota County Commissioner
Gary Kroesing, David City Council, Ward 2
Marisa Betson, Dawes County Commissioner, District 3
Arlis Hohl, Deshler City Council
Lyle Fink, DeWitt Village Board
Oscar Duran, Dodge County Board, District 2
Mike Boyle, Douglas County Board District 1
Chris Rodgers, Douglas County Board, District 3
Maureen Boyle, Douglas County Board, District 5
Jo Giles, Douglas County Board, District 7
Ray Musil, DuBois Village Board
Dan L. Meier, Eagle Village Board
Roger Bailey, Fairbury City Council, Ward 2
Amber Holle, Falls City Council, Ward 1
Kaylie Ractliffe, Falls City Council, Ward 2
Jim Wisdom, Falls City Council, Ward 4
Susan Jacobus, Fremont City Council, Ward II
Janet Larsen, Fremont City Council, Ward IV
Rick Collins, Fullerton City Council
Wylene Novicki, Fullerton City Council
Monte Murkle, Gage County Board, District 2
Don Schuller, Gage County Board, District 6
Norman Marks, Geneva City Council, Ward 1
Apryl Schwarz, Geneva City Council, Ward 2
Michael Gillen, Gering City Council, Ward 2
Jack Sheard, Grand Island City Council, Ward 1
Aly Alexander, Grand Island City Council, Ward 5
Joseph Leslie, Greeley County Commissioner, District 3
Lauren L. Liebentritt, Gretna City Council, Ward 2
Rita Luongo, Hebron City Council
Kurk Wiedel, Hebron City Council
Bill Mowinkel, Hall County Board, District 2
Brian Whitecalf, Hall County Board, District 4
Makenzie Vapenik, Hayes County Commissioner, District 1
Scott McDonald, Hitchcock County Board, District 3
Nick Johnson, Hooper City Council
Rod Blasé, Hordville Village Board
Howard Beck, Howard County Board, District 2
Pat Jakubowski Howells Village Board of Trustees
Mark Prusa Howells Village Board of Trustees
Albert Nielsen, Inglewood Village Trustee
Joseph Hayes, Jackson Village Board
Jeff Carmine, Johnson County Commission, District 4
Kathy Jensen, Juniata Village Board
Katie Kulhanek, Juniata Village Board
Kevin G. Mlady, Knox County Supervisors, District 4
Danny R Schlote, Knox County Supervisors District 6
Christa Yoakum, Lancaster County Board, District 2
Kevin Wetuski, La Vista City Council, Ward 4
Dora Vivas, Lexington City Council
Kenneth D. Kramer, Logan County Commissioner, District 2
Ron Armbrust III, Louisville City Council, At-Large
Jamion Biesterfeld, Louisville City Council, At-Large
Allan Thomas, Village of Lyman Board
Allen Steinmeyer, Lyons City Council, At-Large
Judith Doty, McGrew Village Board
Jeffrey Arensdorf, McPherson County Commissioner
Allen Williams, Merna Village Board
Tim Bolling, Merrick County Supervisor, District 4
Roger L. Jones, Minden City Council, South Ward
Angela Preston, Mitchell City Council
Paul Borowiak, Nance County Supervisor
Dale Wilkinson, Neligh City Council, At-Large
Juan E. Sandoval, Norfolk City Council, Ward 1
Don Kurre, North Platte City Council,Ward 3
Lawrence Ostendorf, North Platte City Council, Ward 4
Darrell Buck Bassett, Ogallala City Council
George Zoucha, Oshkosh City Council
Douglas A. Schmit, Osmond City Council
Matthew Broening, Otoe County Commissioner, District 5
Will Fogle, Pierce City Council
James Aschoff, Pierce County Board, District 1
Ben Preis, Ralston City Council, Ward 6
Ritch Havranek, Ravenna City Council
Delaine Soucie, Red Willow County Board, District 2
Carol Engel, Richland Village Board
Frank Greaser, Richland Village Board
Philip Hitchcock, Richardson County Board, District 3
Kathy Cummings Rogers Village Board of Trustees
Cleo Mousel, Roseland Village Board
Marvin Kohout, Saline County Commissioner, District 3
Russell Karpisek, Saline County Commissioner, District 4
Janet Henning, Saline County Commissioner, District 5
Kyle Morgan, Saunders County Supervisor, District 6
Jay T. Meyer, Scotia Village Board
John Singleton, Seward City Council, Ward 3
Robert Franco, Scottsbluff City Council
Joseph R. Wolfgram, Scribner City Council
Dave C. Siegel, Sherman County Commissioner, District 3
Tomas Borrego, Shubert Village Board
Jason Bowman, South Sioux City Council
Carol Schuldt, South Sioux City Council
Dan Bloom, Spalding Village Board
Mitchell Glesinger, Spalding Village Board
Daniel Craney Springfield City Council
Roy T. Swenson, Springfield City Council
Wesley Halvorsen, Syracuse City Council
Matthew Cass, Tekamah City Council, Ward 2
Lorie Topp, Tecumseh City Council, Ward 1
Randy Hergott, Thayer County Board
Georgia Mayberry, Thurston County Supervisors, District 2
James Price Sr., Thurston County Supervisors, District 4
Arnie Harlan, Thurston County Supervisors, District 6
Charles J. Seyler II, Union Village Board
Allen Joe Cetak, Valley County Supervisor, District 2
Corie Sass, Waterloo Village Board
Kyle Bassinger, Waverly City Council, Ward 1
Sharon M. Heneger, Weeping Water City Council, At-Large
Jim Hoerle, Wheeler County Commissioner
Tim Lempka, Wilber City Council
Jay L. Meyer, Wisner City Council, Ward 1
Barry L. Meyer, Wisner City Council, Ward 2
Robert Garcia, Wood River City Council, Ward 1
Susan Sapp, Wymore City Council, Ward 2
Vicki Northrop, York City Council
Other City and County Offices
Richard Porter, Creighton City Airport Authority
Dan Esch, Douglas County Clerk
Tom Riley, Douglas County Public Defender
Shawn Fouraker, Falls City Airport Authority
Monty L. Bowman, Gothenburg Hospital District
Francis C. Hannon, Hall County Weed Board
Joe Hergott, Hebron Airport Authority
Justin Roberts, Lincoln County Weed Board
Eva Crawford, Mullen Hospital District, At-Large
Roy Licking, Thomas County Airport Authority
Public Power and Utilities
Robert Kennicutt Dawson Public Power District
Gwen Howard, MUD, Subdivision 3
Tonya Cook, MUD, Subdivision 5
Mary Harding, NPPD, Subdivision 1
John Novotny, Norris Public Power District, Subdivision 8
Thomas Sieck, Norris Public Power District, Subdivision 12
Amanda Bogner, Omaha Public Power District, Subdivision 1
Krystle Craig, Omaha Public Power District, Subdivision 2
Sara Howard, Omaha Public Power District, Subdivision 2
William Forsee, Omaha Public Power District, Subdivision 3
Community College Boards
Linda McDermitt, Metropolitan Community College, District 1
Alex Garrison, Metropolitan Community College, District 2
David Pantos, Metropolitan Community College, District 3
Zach Reinhardt, Metropolitan Community College, District 4
JoEtta Brown, Mid-Plains Community College Board 2
Kirk R. Crawley, Mid-Plains Community College Board 3
Kent O. Miller, Mid-Plains Community College Board 4
Jeanne H. Stec, Southeast Community College 1
Chad Aldrich, Southeast Community College 2
Arlyn Uhrmacher, Southeast Community College 5
School Boards
Kevin Connot, Allen School Board
Jake Sylvester, Alliance School Board, District 6
Allen Brughm Alma Public School Board
Kate ‘Gehrig’ Hopkins, Alma Public School Board
Shanon Willmott, Arlington Board of Education, 24
Jerry Wall, Ashland Greenwood Public Schools, District 1
Scott C. Gotschall, Atkinson West Holt Schools Board
Trevor Bonneau, Bancroft Rosalie Board of Education, District 20
Gene Fiester, Beatrice School Board
Sarah Centineo, Bellevue Public Schools
Scott Eby, Bellevue Public Schools
Kristy Hansen Kiviniemi, Bellevue Public Schools
Dianah E. Steinbrink, Bertrand School District 54
Duane K. Schoff, Bertrand School District 54
Brandi M. Petersen, Blair School District
Christy Mackeprang, Bloomfield School Board, District 86
Cynthia A. Nolan, Boyd County Public School Board, District 51
Sarah Bolte, Bruning School Board
Justin Caspersen, Centura Board of Education School District 100, Ward 3
Carrie Terryberry, Chase County School Board
Melissa Baumert, Clarkson School Board
Sheryl L. Langdon, Clarkson School Board
Candace Becher, Columbus Public Schools Board
Katherine Lopez, Columbus Public Schools Board
Julie Kozisek, Crete Board of Education, 2
Cheryl A Brockman, Deshler School District 60
Amanda L. Groff, Doniphan Board of Education, District 126
Kelli Schweitzer, Dorchester Board of Education, 44
Daniel Chapek, East Butler Public School District, North Ward 1
Reagan Rosenberg, Elkhorn Board of Education, 10
Shannon Coleman, Elmwood/Murdock School Board District 97
Kathy Frahm, Elmwood/Murdock School Board, District 97
Melissa Ross, Elmwood/Murdock School Board, District 97
Bill Shanks, Emerson Hubbard Board of Education, District 561
Scott Schelkopf, Fillmore Central School Board
Michael Bonacci, Fort Calhoun School District
Adam D. Neumann, Fort Calhoun School District
Dean Otto, Freeman School Board, District
Brian Aaberg, Fullerton School Board
Michael Bonacci, Fort Calhoun Board of Education, 3
Adam D. Neumann, Fort Calhoun Board of Education, 3
Dean Otto, Freeman School Board
David A. Fachman, Fremont Board of Education, 1
Pamela Murphy, Fremont Board of Education, 1
Lisa M. Farrens, Garfield County School Board, District 5
Kimberly Wadkins, Gibbon School Board, District
Krista Wegner, Gordon-Rushville Public Schools
Lindsey Jurgens, Grand land Board of Education, Ward A
Lisa M. Albers, Grand Island Board of Education, Ward B
Dawn M. Stock, Gretna Public Schools Board
Bill Buettner, Hall County School Board of Education, Northwest District 82
Artie Moeller, Hall County School Board of Education, Northwest District 82
Jim Boeve, Hastings Board of Education
Sharon Behl Brooks, Hastings Board of Education
Brent Gollner, Hastings Board of Education
Terry Carlstrom, High Plains School Board
Kent Helgoth, High Plains School Board
Casha O’Byrne, Hitchcock County School District
Elena Olson-King, Holdredge School District 44
Aaron Reis, Homer Public School Board of Education, District 31R
Heather Macholan, Howells-Dodge School Board, Ward 2
Leah M. Reyes, Humboldt School Board, District 70
Paul Schemek, Humphrey Public Schools Board
Rene’ Schee, Jefferson County School Board, District 303
Rebecca J. Plager, Johnson County Central Public School Board, 3
Dave Brandt, Kearney Public School Board, District 7
Justin Simmons, Kearney Public School Board, District 7
Lanny Little, Kimball School Distric
Tom O’Brien,Kimball School District
Carol Hahn, Learning Community, District 2
Nathan Zingg, Learning Community, District 2
Lisa Schoenberger, Learning Community, District 4
RaeLynne Bredemeier, Lewiston School Board
Steve Janssen, Lewiston School Board
Sharon Mencl, Lewiston School Board
Michelle Milleson, Logan County Board of Education, District 71
Carrie Beacom, Logan View Board of Education
Carrie A Beacom, Logan View Public Schools Dodge County District 94
Duane K. Schoff, Loomis School District 5
John L. Heil, Jr., Loup City Board of Education, District 1
Janelle Krzycki, Loup City Board of Education, District 1
Ronald Mroczek, Loup City Board of Education, District 1
Amy L. Spellman, Malcolm School Board, At-Large
Rene’ L. Scheer, Meridian School Board
Amanda McGill Johnson, Millard Board of Education 17
Karol Garduno, Minatare School Board
Patrick Burchell, Minden School District Board, 5
Lisa Chaney, Nebraska City School Board, District 111
Lisa Chaney,Nebraska City School Board
Nick Schmitz, Nebraska City School Board
Ronald Gilg, Neligh-Oakdale Public School Board, District 9
Bill Chapin, Nemaha County District #29 School Board
Rhonda L. Burbach, Norris Board of Education, Ward 1
Skip Altig, North Platte School Board, Ward 1
Pat Cullen, North Platte School Board, Ward 2
Dan Gramke, Oakland-Craig School Board, At-Large
Kiley Johnson,Oakland-Craig School Board, At-Large
Tim Magnusson, Oakland-Craig School Board, At-Large
Henry Unwin, Oakland-Craig School Board, At-Large
Jim Ayres, Ogallala School Board, District 1
Ricky Smith, OPS Board 1
Alex Gates, OPS Board 3
Nick Thielen, OPS Board 3
Jane Erdenberger, OPS Board 7
Keegan Korf, OPS Board 7
Tracy Casady, OPS Board 9
Erik Servellon, OPS Board 9
Daniel Hake, Palmer Public School Board, District 49
Jaimi Calfee, Palmyra Board of Education, At Large
Jean C. Karlen, Pender Board of Education, District 1
Craig H. Peters, Pierce Public School Board
Bruce Loeffelholz, Pleasanton School Board District, 105
Terry Carlstrom, Polk County Board of Education, District 75
Kent Helgoth, Polk County Board of Education, District 75
Monte Burki, Ponca School Board
Robin Richards, Ralston Board of Education, 54
Tara Schirmer, Ravenna School Board, District 69
Michelle Milleson, Sandhills School Board of Education, District 71
Cheryl A. Brockman, Sandy Creek School Board
DeWayne L. Wabasha, Santee Public School Board, District C-5
Beth Merrigan, Scottsbluff School Board
Malia Nemecek, Scribner/Snyder Board of Education
Mynor Hernandez, Schuyler School Board
Guadalupe Marino, Schuyler School Board
Paul Duer, Seward Board of Education, 9
Steven Skupa, Silver Lake Board of Education, 1
Karen Huntrods, Sioux County School Board
Marcia A. Becker South Sioux City School Board, 11
Marla Grier, South Sioux City School Board, 11
Debra Schlake, Southern School Board
Steven Stehlik, Springfield-Platteview Community Schools
David Morfeld, Stanton Community School Board, District 3
John A. Harms, Sterling Public Schools Board, 3
Sheila Shramek, Syracuse/Dunbar Avoca School Board, District 27
Burt C. Rogers,Tekamah Herman School District, Ward 3
Chris Hergott, Thayer Central School Board
Krista Wegner, Thayer Central School Board
David Baxa, Twin River School Board
John Reeg, Twin River School Board
Darren Wolfe, Umo Ho Nation Board of Education, District 16
Ida Miller, Umo Ho Nation Board of Education, District 16
Lisa Miller, Umo Ho Nation Board of Education, District 16
Lisa Farrens, Valley County School Board, District 5
Jolene Greenland, Valley County School Board, District 21
Sandra Hulinsky, Valley County School Board, District 21
Renae Feilmeier, Wahoo Public Schools Board
James W. Randol Sr., Walthill Board of Education, District 13
Chris Ross, Walthill Board of Education, District 13
Derek Cunningham, Wausa Public School Board, District 76
Nora Lenz, Waverly Board of Education, Ward 2
Robin Kappler, Waverly Board of Education, Ward 4
Kristine K. Kinzie, Wayne School Board, District 17
Jaime R. Manz, Wayne School Board, District 17
Brenda Ferguson, Weeping Water School Board, District 22
Steven Blocher, West Point-Beemer School Board
Christine Torres, West Point-Beemer School Board
Dana Blakely, Westside Board of Education 66
Patrice L. Bass, Winnebago Board of Education, District 17
Teresa Littlegeorge, Winnebago Board of Education, District 17
Sarah E. Snake, Winnebago Board of Education, District 17
Tyren Wolfe, Winnebago Board of Education, District 17
Dylan Gill, Wood River Board of Education, District 83