Bacon, Fortenberry and Smith Let Down Nebraska’s Women by Failing to Support Reauthorization of Violence Against Women Act

أدار النواب دون بيكون وجيف فورتنبيري وأدريان سميث ظهورهم لنساء نبراسكا يوم الخميس من قبل عدم دعم إعادة إقرار قانون العنف ضد المرأة.

The  U.S. House passed the measure 263-158. Bacon and Smith voted “no.” Fortenberry voted “present” — which is basically the same as a “no.”

“Nebraskans expect our members of Congress to do the bare minimum, like voting to protect women who are beaten by their partners,” said NDP Chair Jane Kleeb. “Bacon, Fortenberry and Smith could not even muster up the compassion on the vote to re-authorize the Violence Against Women Act. Rep. Bacon is using religion as cover from a vote that literally saves lives and his vote will mark his defeat in 2020.”

ال National Rifle Association fought the measure, saying it will restrict gun rights by preventing people convicted of stalking or abusing dating partners from buying a gun.

When called out on Twitter by a person who said Bacon’s office told him he voted no “because it took away gun rights from convicted stalkers,” Bacon responded:

“No, because it was going to force our religious groups who provide shelters and counseling for bartered (sic) women. We should always defend religious freedom.”






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