Lancaster County Commissioner Rick Vest to reconsider his vote on Wind Energy

Lancaster County Commissioner Rick Vest said Monday he will move this week to reconsider the vote on the mile setback amendment in regard to the Wind Energy Package presented before the Board.

The previous hearing on this issue was initially focused on approving language that would clarify standards and expectations regarding any corporation that builds wind turbines in Lancaster County. An amendment was added to require turbines be placed at least one mile from any home that is not being paid to participate in the project.

Vest said his goal in casting his vote last Tuesday was not to prevent the development of Wind Energy in Lancaster County. Vest said he made his decision based on of the information he had at the time.

Due to the last-minute nature of the vote and the emergence of new information, Vest said he will move to reconsider the vote this week.

Vest, who campaigned on building consensus through his background as a certified mediator, said:  “Too often we have seen those with power make decisions that favor themselves without concern for the consequences these decisions have on others. This is not acceptable to me. We are all valuable and deserve to have our concerns respected. It is my commitment to find solutions that work for all.”

He added that he hoped to explore a compromise that balanced the concerns of non-participating residents while clearing the way for clean, renewable energy solutions for the county.

“This is obviously a complicated issue,” he said. “To those constituents and community members who reached out to me to discuss this issue, I’d like to give you a heartfelt thanks. I deeply value your concerns and your trust.”







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