Lincoln, NE — A new federal report says changes made by the President and the GOP-controlled Congress are jeopardizing Medicare. Sen. Deb Fischer’s vote late last year for the GOP tax plan is draining the Medicare Trust Fund, which provides vital health care coverage to thousands of Nebraska’s senior citizens, including many seniors who use it to pay for their hospital bills.
Senator Fischer’s vote for the GOP tax scam is an age tax on more than 333,000 Nebraska seniors who rely on Medicare, according to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
“Deb Fischer was on board with the GOP tax plan, which analysts have said amounts to little more than a giveaway to big corporations and the most wealthy Americans,’’ said Jane Kleeb, Chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party. “She’s in Washington voting how her party bosses order her to and helping the super-rich instead of looking out for Nebraskans. Now we learn her vote will take vital services away from Nebraska seniors.”
Said Kleeb: “Deb Fischer went to Washington and is selling out her constituents on so many levels.”
“Where are Deb Fischer’s priorities?”, Kleeb said. “She needs to go.”
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Read More:
Medicare Program Projected To Run Out Of Money In 2026. “Yesterday, we learned what happens when Republicans trying to rein in government tackle the tax side of the equation but not the spending side. The result: a Medicare program that is projected to run out of money just eight years from now, in 2026. The latest annual report on the financial situation of Medicare’s hospital program (and Social Security), released yesterday by the programs’ trustees, led Democrats to slam the tax overhaul Republicans pushed through Congress mainly on their own last year.” [Washington Post, 6/6/18]
Income Tax Cuts Combined With Reduced Payroll Tax Collections Are Two Reasons For “Worsening Financial Outlook” For Part Of Medicare That Reimburses Hospitals For Caring For Seniors. “That tax measure’s income tax cuts — combined with reduced payroll tax collections because of lowered wages last year — are the two main reasons for the worsening financial outlook for the part of Medicare that reimburses hospitals for caring for seniors and the disabled, per the report.” [Washington Post, 6/6/18]
Fischer Voted Against Protecting Seniors From Medicare Benefit Cuts, Privatization And Increases In Out-Of-Pocket Costs. On March 25, 2015, Fischer voted against: “Stabenow, D-Mich., motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the Enzi, R-Wyo., point of order against the Bennet, D-Colo., amendment no. 601 for not being germane. The Bennet amendment would create a 60-vote point of order against any legislation that would privatize Medicare, reduce guaranteed benefits, increase out of pocket expenses or turn the program into a premium-supported plan.” The motion was rejected 46-53. [S. Con. Res. 11, Vote 90, 3/25/15؛ CQ ، 3/25/15]
Fischer Voted Against Amendment That Would Increase Medicare’s Budget By $435 Billion. In March 2015, Fischer voted against: “Stabenow, D-Mich., amendment no. 1072, that would increase new budget authority and outlays for Medicare by roughly $435 billion.” The amendment failed, 46-54. [CQ, 3/26/15; S.Con.Res. 11, S.Amdt. 1072, Vote 111, 3/26/15]
According To Center For Medicare & Medicaid Services, Over 333,000 Nebraskans Enrolled In Medicare. According to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 333,609 Nebraskans were enrolled in Medicare services in January 2018. [Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services, accessed 6/12/18]