The NDP’s effort to Get-Out-The-Vote has already resulted in a huge increase in the number of early ballots cast for Tuesday’s General Election.
As of Nov. 4, there were 61,510 Democratic ballots returned statewide, according to the Nebraska Secretary of State’s office.
That’s a nearly 65 percent increase from 2014, when 37,403 Democrats voted early.
Nebraska Secretary of State John Gale has predicted a 56 percent turnout of registered voters to cast ballots this year.
There also has been a surge of early voting nationwide, with more than 28 million people having already cast ballots.
The NDP has some 850 candidates on the ballot in 2018 election, compared to the previous high of 515.
The sheer number of Democratic candidates this year was evidence of the NDP’s aggressive party-building effort, and the party’s Get-Out-The-Vote effort was impressive, strong and statewide:
— For the first time, the NDP created Voter Guides listing all the Democratic candidates in each of Nebraska’s 93 counties this year. Those were mailed to each Democratic household in Nebraska and also are listed in the Party’s مركز التصويت. Over 325,000 Voter Guides were delivered at the door and by the mail.
— In addition, the NDP mailed and distributed some 200,000 Vote-by-Mail applications to potential voters across Nebraska.
"Democrats are playing to win. We are getting candidates over the finish line and also transforming our state. Democrats are energized to end the one-party control of our state,” said NDP Chair Jane Kleeb.