Pikeun ngabebaskeun saharita
June 18, 2024
Kontak: José Flores, Jr., Diréktur Komunikasi
402-215-1052, jose@nebraskademocrats.org
***Nebraska Democratic Party News Press Release for 6-18-2024***
Nebraska Democratic Party Statement on President Biden’s Executive Action on Immigration Today
LINCOLN, NE – The Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb issues the following statement regarding the announcement of President Joe Biden’s Immigration Executive Action today:
“Today, President Biden is announcing new actions to keep families together and allow more young people to contribute to our economy. A new process that will help U.S. citizens with noncitizen spouses and children who have been here for 10 years to keep their families together. This process will promote family unity and strengthen our economy. A new way to help young people who have been educated in the U.S., including DACA recipients and other Dreamers, receive work visas more quickly. This will help more young people who are educated in the U.S. use their talents to enrich our communities and strengthen our economy.
President Biden is committed to fixing our broken immigration system – a stark contrast with Donald Trump. After Trump ripped babies away from their mothers, Joe Biden is keeping families together. After Trump tried to end DACA and take legal protections away from hundreds of thousands, Joe Biden is protecting Dreamers, and strengthening the program.
Joe Biden will never demonize immigrants like Trump, who says they are “poisoning the blood” of the country. Donald Trump is promising to militarize our immigration system and build mass detention camps. Joe Biden will never allow that to happen. And, Trump killed the toughest, fairest reforms to secure the border in decades to help himself politically after Joe Biden negotiated them – but that didn’t stop President Biden from taking action to secure the border.
Joe Biden is the only candidate in this race working to secure our border and address America’s broken immigration system, and voters will remember that in November.”