Taros Kami
Email: info @ nebraskademocrats.
Nomer Telepon NDP: 402-434-2180
NDP Lincoln Office: 3701 O St., Suite 200 | Lincoln, NE, 68510
NDP Omaha Office: 1102 S. 76th Ave. | Omaha, NE, 68124
Jam Kantor NDP: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Please call ahead if you plan to drive in and see us, sometimes staff are at community events or working off site and we don’t want to miss you!)
Panggihan kami dina Média Sosial
Requests pikeun Kursi Kleeb
Pencét: Pikeun ngajadwalkeun wawancara sareng Kursi Jane Kleeb, perwira atanapi staf, mangga ngahubungi Diréktur Komunikasi NDP Jose Flores Jr di jose@nebraskademocrats.org.
Acara: Upami anjeun hoyong nyungkeun Kursi Kleeb nyarios dina hiji acara, punten lengkepan formulir ieu. Upami anjeun nyuhunkeun anggota staf atanapi perwira NDP sanés, punten email info@nebraskademocrats.org.
Korsi Jane Kleeb Bio sareng Headshot