No rest for the weary: Lincoln city elections are in 2019. Primary April 9; General May 7. مرشحين Vote by Mail application
By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
As we wind down 2018, CNN’s Chris Cillizza has compiled an almost-painful-to-read list of 41 most unreal Donald Trump quotes of 2018.
"As always, these are real sentences from Donald Trump’s mouth,” Cillizza writes. “For real.” Click on the above link is you have the courage. For those who — understandably — cannot bring themselves to, we give you our Pick of the Litter:
“And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over.”
This is not from “The Onion.” This is a real quote. On the “oceans are very small” point: Oceans cover roughly 70% of the Earth’s surface.
So what was the “Word of the Year” in 2018? Depends on who you ask.
But Trump was on the minds of the learned folks making their 2018 picks:
Racial justice. Obstruction of justice. Social justice. The Justice Department. Merriam-Webster has chosen “justice” as its 2018 word of the year, driven by the churning news cycle over months and months.
The word follows “toxic,” picked by Oxford Dictionaries, and “misinformation,” plucked by
Peter Sokolowski, Merriam-Webster’s editor at large, told The Associated Press that “justice” consistently bubbled into the top 20 or 30 lookups on the company’s website, spiking at times due to specific events but also skating close to the surface for much of the year.
Nebraska’s GOP U.S. Reps Bacon, Fortenberry and Smith again showed no backbone (SURPRISE) in acting like obedient lapdogs in voting to approve billions in funding late Thursday to build Trump’s ridiculous wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
As Trump says: Sad.
Also sad: Bacon’s Twitter response when asked — as a former general — his thoughts on the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis — also a former general — over Trump’s abrupt withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, a move that is being roundly criticized by military and foreign affairs experts as reckless.
Bacon is giving him a pass on Twitter: “He won the election… the next one is in 2020. We let the voters decide."
Sad No. 3: The NDP is losing Party Affairs Director Jacob Denniston, whose last day is today. Jacob is moving on to pursue his dream of working in the fields of international policy and human rights.
"Jacob came to the party as a grassroots organizer and worked his way up to Party Affairs Director. His passion for building the party infrastructure contributed to the NDP going from 41 to 73 County Chairs,” said NDP Chair Jane Kleeb. “We will never fill the void Jacob leaves, but the programs he helped build will continue to win elections for Democrats.”
It’s 2020! Democrat Kara Eastman announced Thursday that she will seek a rematch against Nebraska Republican Rep. Don Bacon. Eastman, an Omaha nonprofit executive who ran a nontraditional campaign against Bacon this year and lost a close race, called Bacon “extreme” and sought to tie Bacon to Trump.
Eastman أخبر أوماها وورلد هيرالد that she announced her candidacy early in the interests of transparency and to quell rumors.
“I figured, well I’ll just let the voters, the district, know what I’m going to do,” she said.
Speaking of 2020, the presidential campaign is about to start in earnest. The Democratic National Committee announced Thursday that it will hold its first sanctioned debate in June 2019. There will be 12 Democratic primary debates, one a month from then on, skipping August 2019.
“Democrats want to put our eventual nominee in the strongest position possible to defeat Donald Trump,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez said. He said officials have “listened to voices across our party about how we can make the primary process better” and set rules that “will help every candidate feel like they got a fair shake.”
Trump’s reckless trade war is doing yet more damage to Nebraska.
The stock of Omaha-based Green Plains dropped sharply Tuesday after reports that the ethanol producer would shutter two plants and slow production at a third, the Omaha World Herald reported.
The closures hint at slackened demand in the wake of the broad U.S. trade dispute with China, in which China has slapped increasing tariffs on U.S. ethanol and other items in retaliation for the United States’ own tariffs on some Chinese goods.
Nebraska farmers, meanwhile, have lost at least $1 billion in revenue from ongoing trade conflicts in China and elsewhere initiated by the Trump administration, the Nebraska Farm Bureau said in a report earlier this month.
We end this week with a Tweet from self-described internet “curmudgeon and loudmouth” Jeff Tiedrich, who opined after Trump agreed to shutter his foundation when New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood said it was “functioning as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests,” and of engaging in “a shocking pattern of illegality” that included unlawfully coordinating with Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
"نo one could have predicted that the guy who ran a scam university and a scam modeling agency and a scam magazine and a scam airline and sold scam mortgages and scam steaks and scam vodka and scam &*^%$# water for &^%’s sake, would turn out to be running a scam Trump Foundation.”
NOTE: NebDems News will return Jan. 4. Have a wonderful holiday!