The good folks at Reckitt Benckiser (RB), the British company responsible for making Lysol, issued a warning Friday against the “internal administration” of their products.
Why, you ask, would Reckitt Benckiser worry about people ingesting Lysol?
Well, it seems President Trump — while carnival barking at one of his daily coronavirus updates — suggested that it might help fight the pandemic.
作为 Peter Wade of Rolling Stone explained:
In a bizarre, even for Donald Trump, White House coronavirus daily briefing, the president pitched his ideas on whether disinfectants or ultraviolet light could be used to cure coronavirus patients. …
“The disinfectant, where it knocks the [coronavirus] out in a minute — one minute — and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see, it gets in the lungs… so it’d be interesting to check that. …”
It’s more proof that Trump’s ad-libbing ramblings are not benign. They have real-world consequences, and Americans are paying the price.
193 days until the election, folks. After that, we can disinfect the White House.
The dates have been set for Democratic county conventions across Nebraska next month.
See when yours is 这里.
The county conventions, where we elect local leaders and delegates to the state convention, will be done via phone due to the coronavirus.
- The conventions are open to any registered Democrat.
- You must register here by May 1 to receive the call information. There is only one official form for all county conventions.
- If you would like to run for a county level position, please 填写表格 by May 1.
- If you would like to run to be a delegate for state or national convention,
please fill out the additional form by May 26.
有超过 550 名民主党人在内布拉斯加州竞选 5 月 12 日的初选!
You can see the whole list here.
We have created Voting Cards for the four largest counties that list all the Democratic candidates to help folks fill out their ballot:
The Nebraska Democratic Party is focused on making sure our elections are accessible and that the public is safe during the pandemic. We are shifting the majority of our resources to help candidates campaign in a new virtual world and assist voters to Vote by Mail.
We leave you this week with a rendering by Steve Kelley. Because we all need a laugh.
–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监
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4 月 27 日: 最后一天到 注册在线投票
5月1日: 您收到邮寄投票申请的截止日期 县选举办公室
5 月 12 日: 初选