April 3, 2024
联系人:José Flores, Jr.,传讯总监
(402) 215-1052, jose@nebraskademocrats.org
***Nebraska Democratic Party News Press Release for 4-3-2024***
Nebraska Democratic Party Response to LB764 and Governor Pillen’s Support For Its Passage
LINCOLN, NE – The Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb issues the following statement regarding Legislative Bill 764 (Winner Take All Electoral Vote System), Governor Pillen’s support of it, and what it could mean for the state of Nebraska and presidential elections:
“Nebraskans want to keep our fair electoral system in place which is why previous attempts by some Republicans over the last thirty years have failed to und our split electoral votes. We are proud of our unique electoral vote system and know all too well the economic benefits it generates with a national focus on our state. Governor Pillen might be influenced by extremist online personality Charlie Kirk, but our party is confident the Nebraska Legislature will continue to protect our fair electoral voting system.
We call on Nebraskans to sign our petition and call your state senator to let them know you support our unique and fair electoral vote system.”
Petition: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/protect-nebraskas-free-and-fair-elections
State Senators’ Offices: https://nebraskadem.wpenginepowered.com/23-24-nebraska-legislature/
The Nebraska Legislature voted in 1992 to do away with the winner-take-all model of allocating our electoral votes and gave our state a unique voice in presidential elections. Since then, Nebraska Republicans have attempted multiple times during various sessions to undo a statewide sense of pride with national elections. LB764 is Nebraska Republican’s latest attempt to silence electoral voices from the state’s second congressional district.