Hello fellow Democrats,
I am starting a new practice to send updates on what the Party has been up to and some of our focuses every two weeks.
So, welcome to the first of the #NebDem News series!
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This week I am highlighting our NDP staff, details for the SCC meeting coming up on Nov. 10-11, our amazing Blue Bench Training on Nov. 12th and a new Candidates of Color Fund.
We have a great team of Democrats at the staff level. Our goal next year is to add three Grassroots Organizers (one in each Congressional District) to help build our county parties, work with allied groups and help candidates win elections.
Eric Aspengren, Executive Director, eric@nebraskademocrats.org
Eric has been involved with Nebraska politics for 13 years, working on campaigns from City Council to the Presidential elections in 2008 and 2016. Eric is an expert with the voter file and field targeting. His time is spent working to make sure that the Party is a more welcoming and grassroots oriented. Eric has been in about 10 different bands ranging from pop to avant garde jazz. Eric’s cat, Mac was a little resentful during the Clinton campaign because he wasn’t home very much. Eric’s reason for being in politics is to give the powerless a voice.
Jacob Denniston, Communications and Party Building Coordinator, jacob@nebraskademocrats.org
Jacob worked on organizing volunteers and canvasses for Sec. Clinton’s 2016 campaign. He has worked hand and hand with organizing the local actions for national programs like “March into ‘18” and “Resistance Summer.” Born and raised in Lincoln, he graduated from the University of Nebraska in 2016, with degrees in Political Science and Global Studies. Regularly will be tested by his friends who will send him a line from Hamilton; the Musical and he has to name the song. For the record he is right about 90 percent of the time. After being the in Marching Band and Pep Band at UNL for all four years while he was there, he is very devoted to watching Football and Volleyball games whenever he can. Jacob’s reason for getting involved is to improve the lives of everyone and to make sure those that can’t defend themselves are protected.
Ryan Krumel, Operations and Compliance Coordinator, ryan@nebraskademocrats.org
Ryan has deep experience with non-profit environmental and consumer advocacy organizations. Ryan makes sure the wheels are always turning for the Party and that all logistical matters are taken care of. Ryan used to be a sous chef in high end restaurants in Boston for 6 years. Ryan also spent a year and a half in China teaching children english! Ryan and Eric were in a band together. Ryan’s reason for getting into politics is because you can only do so much in an advocacy role, to affect more change you have to be a part of the process.
Ron Rivera, Grassroots Organizer, ronr@nebraskademocrats.org
Ron comes to the Party with grassroots organizing experience from campaigns such as Retain a Just Nebraska and Heath Mello for Mayor. Ron speaks fluent Spanish growing up in South Omaha with his family. He likes to garden in his free time, mostly so he doesn’t have to go to the grocery store. Ron’s goal is to ensure all Democrats have a voice in our elections and democracy.
Quarterly Meeting and Blue Bench Training
Coming up on Nov. 10th is our highlighted caucus–the Women’s Caucus. The event will be at Love’s Jazz and Art Center, 2510 North 24th Street, Omaha, from 5:30-8:30pm. Dinner is catered by Omaha Rockets Kanteen and served 5:30-6:30pm and then the Women’s Caucus event and meeting begins.
The NDP Caucuses and SCC Meeting is on Nov. 11 from 8:30am-4:30pm at Mammel Hall on UNO Campus, 6708 Pine Street, Omaha.
The Blue Bench Training is on Nov. 12 from 8:30am-4:30pm at Mammel Hall on UNO Campus, 6708 Pine Street, Omaha. We have lined up amazing trainers both nationally and from here in Nebraska. This is not an event you are going to want to miss! We have training tracks for Candidates, Campaign Managers and Grassroots/Party Leaders.
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查看议程: http://tinyurl.com/NebDemNovMtg
Our Party is committed to recruiting and electing more candidates from Latino, African American, Native American, Asian American and Immigrant communities. We know in order to turn out diverse voters, we need candidates that look like their communities. At the NDP Morrison Exon Dinner we raised $7,500 for our new Candidates of Color Fund—big thanks to Senator Vargas and all the elected officials who joined him on stage to get people to ring the cow bells to signal their pledge to this effort. You can buy a Democrats Supports Dreamers shirt, all proceeds go to the Candidates of Color Fund: https://nebraskadem.wpenginepowered.com/blog/buy-a-shirt-help-elect-candidates-of-color/
Thank you so much for all you do for the Party and for Nebraska! We are all here to answer any questions you have about the upcoming meetings and trainings!