Well, while taxpayers are out an estimated $90 million for Trump’s pitiful, ego-feeding July 4th “Salute to America” parade, kids are still being held in squalid conditions at U.S. border camps and almost everything associated with the administration is rotting from the head down.
Speaking of the parade, the waste was everywhere, complete with seven military flyovers — including one the planes used as Air Force One, which costs $200,000 and hour to fly, according to the Washington Post.
That could have bought a lot of extravagances for those imprisoned kids — such as soap, toothbrushes and — gasp — beds.
“We are running along our southern border a desert-bound gulag of what are indeed concentration camps, if that phrase has any meaning at all,” penned 绅士的查尔斯·皮尔斯(Charles Pierce)。
Speaking of those kids, see our recent blog on 帮助边境家庭和内布拉斯加州的家庭。
Also, on Friday, July 12th, 2019, 自由之光 is having a “Vigil to End Human Detention Camps,” that will bring thousands of Americans to detention camps across the country, into the streets and into their own front yards, to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees.
Lights for Liberty is a coalition of people, many of whom are mothers, dedicated to human rights and the fundamental principle behind democracy that all human beings have a right to life, liberty and dignity.
See details about the 自由之光 events planned in Lincoln, Omaha, Grand Island and Wayne.
Congratulations to Richard Register for being elected the NDP’s First Associate Chair last weekend at the SCC meeting in Scottsbluff.
Register, who has been serving as chair of the NDP’s Finance Committee, will replace 弗兰克·拉米尔 who held the spot until he succumbed to cancer last month.
Register edged out 普雷斯顿·洛夫 by a 34-33 margin on a third ballot.
“正如接近投票所表明的那样,我们党非常尊重普雷斯顿·洛夫及其多年的服务,”注册说。 “我希望我能不辜负弗兰克·勒梅尔的记忆。”
说 NDP主席Jane Kleeb: “Our party honors the service and legacy of Frank LaMere and welcomes Richard to his new position on the NDP leadership team. We have work to do in order to transform the political landscape of our state. Richard brings years of service to both the community and the party. Let’s now go get things done.”
这 2019 海伦布萨利斯午餐会, hosted by the Nebraska 民主妇女核心小组, will be held on August 9 at 11:30 at the Lincoln Station Great Hall. This year’s theme, “Women. Vison. Change.” focuses on the forward movement of Democratic women in our state.
我们本周离开您,提供以下内容: Steve Benson on Trump’s meeting last weekend with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inside the demilitarized zone that has divided the Korean peninsula for 66 years.
–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监
7 月 12 日: 自由活动的灯光
7 月 30-31 日: 民主总统辩论
8 月 8 日: 海伦·布萨利斯“鼓舞人心的女性”午餐会
Aug. 22-24: DNC 旧金山夏季会议