NDP Chair Jane Kleeb on Tuesday applauded the Nebraska Public Service Commission for voting unanimously to open a formal investigation into the Nebraska Republican Party for illegal calls that falsely claimed legislative candidate Janet Palmtag was lying. The PSC voted unanimously to issue an immediate cease and desist order to the Nebraska Republican Party for these illegal calls.
“The Republican Party has a history of using robocalls in illegal and inappropriate ways. When you do not have strong issues to run on in campaigns, you resort to name calling which is exactly what the Republican Party continues to do in our state,” Kleeb said. “The Democratic Party continues to focus on mobilizing voters to vote early by mail or in-person at their county election office to end the one-party rule in our state that strangles democracy.”
The order will prevent the Nebraska Republican Party from making robocalls in Nebraska until Oct. 20, 2020.
Janet Palmtag filed a complaint with the Nebraska Public Service Commission on Oct. 1.
On Sept. 30, 2020, the Nebraska Republican Party coordinated with the Julie Slama campaign to place thousands of illegal robocalls across Legislative District 1. The robocalls falsely claimed that Janet Palmtag was lying about being endorsed by multiple Nebraska Republican Leaders – including Governor Dave Heineman, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry, State Senators Roger Wehrbein and Dave Pankonin.
内布拉斯加州共和党公然违反了《内布拉斯加州州法规》-(1)所要求的法律免责声明未指明呼叫者的电话号码,网址或邮寄地址; (2)NEGOP在拨打电话后的24小时内未能向PSC提交脚本副本; (3)NEGOP没有在内布拉斯加州内进行自动通话的许可。
帕尔塔格说:“任命的参议员朱莉·斯拉玛(Julie Slama)的竞选团队再次被捕,这违反了内布拉斯加州的法律。”
自主要行动以来,Palmtag行动已花费数千美元来纠正Slama行动和NE GOP提出的误导性和虚假信息。
NOTE: Due to a clerical error with the publishing of the Commission meeting notice for Oct. 6, Orders approved by the Commission at today’s meeting would need to be ratified at the next meeting, on Tuesday, Oct. 13.