Herbster Honking and more — #NebDems News

GOP gubernatorial hopeful and Trump lapdog Charles W. (he doesn’t want you to forget the “W.” if his TV ads are any indication) Herbster is at risk of becoming Nebraska’s next Roman Hruska.

For those needing a refresher, Hruska was a Republican U.S. Senator from Nebraska from 1954 to1976. And he was an ardent supporter of President Richard Nixon, even after the Watergate scandal.

In fact, after Nixon resigned in shame, Hruska continued to defend him and claimed Watergate only became a scandal as part of a partisan effort to attack Nixon.

Jump to 2022, where every one of Herbster’s constant barrage of TV ads honks about how he has the wholehearted endorsement of Trump, whose myriad civil and criminal legal woes are snowballing — recently with the declaration from an accounting firm that the financial reports it prepared for years for Trump’s holding company (under investigation by the New York attorney general) could not be relied upon.

Trump defenders are dropping like flies, as Esquire’s Charles Pierce recently noted:

He may finally have run out of enablers, blind groupies, pliable bureaucrats, and general scapegoats. Companies want to survive. People want to keep their jobs. Nobody wants to pay whopping fines or risk jail time. Not for him. Not anymore. A collective decision is being made that in many ways, including on the balance sheets, the former president* is simply not worth it.

Hear that, Charles Dubya?


Every two years, county parties and the Nebraska Democratic party hold conventions to conduct party business and elect officers and delegates for the State Central Committee.

The County Party Conventions are scheduled for March 1-20 and are virtual this year.

For more information and to sign up for yours, just click here. You have to do so by Feb. 25!


Join the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee as they open a DCCC Second District HQ and talk about volunteer opportunities and hear the plan to win in NE-02 in 2022!

This event will be open to the public, but registration is required to join.

  • WHAT: DCCC District HQ Office Opening Party
  • WHERE: DCCC District HQ: 9110 W Dodge Rd. Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68114
  • WHEN: 3/10/22 5 to 7 p.m.
  • RSVP REQUIRED: DCCC District HQ Office Opening Party


February is Black History Month, which is observed as a celebration and reminder that Black history is American history.

Democratic National Committee Chair Jaimie Harrison released this video in commemoration.

Watch it here.


The Nebraska Democratic Party, in collaboration with the Best Practices Institute of the Democratic National Committee and the Association of State Democratic Committees, is excited to announce the launch of our 2022 State Party Campaign Bootcamp webinar training program for candidates, potential candidates, and campaign staff!

The State Party Campaign Bootcamp Program is a free two-day virtual training program with supplemental small-group coaching sessions to encourage community building and collaborative learning. You will learn critical aspects of launching and running a successful campaign and hear from special guest speakers on topics from hiring a team, to crafting and sharing their message, call time, and more!

The sessions are Feb. 26 and 27.

Sign up here by Feb. 24.


See our growing list of Democratic candidates for 2022! The primary is May 10 and the general election is Nov. 8.

We are adding more candidates as they file.


The NDP’s Platform Committee will host hearings for each Congressional District to obtain feedback and final edits regarding our NDP 2022-2024 Platform from all Nebraska Democrats.

Sign up to participate in a 2022 Platform Hearing!


Register to vote, request a vote-by-mail ballot and learn more about the May 10 Primary Election at the NDP Voting Center.


Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor to help us help Dems win in 2022 and beyond! We need your help!


Join us on a Welcome-to-the-Party call!! We cover topics such as voter registration and redistricting.

The next call is March 1Sign up here.

If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email gina@nebraskademocrats.org.


Get your NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!

There are lots of designs, including some terrific Jomaha/Blue Dot swag!


We leave you this week with a rendering by Mike Luckovich.

–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director

NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to: info@nebraskademocrats.org



Feb. 21: Swing Left Keep the Blue Dot Blue- 2022 Kick Off Party

Feb. 22: Re-Elect Joe Nigro for Lancaster Co Public Defender Campaign Kick-Off

Feb. 22: CD 1 Platform Hearing

Feb. 22: Build the House – Nebraska Weekly Tuesday Phone Bank

Feb. 23: Rachel Garver for Lancaster County Treasurer Campign Kickoff Party

Feb. 24: CD 2 Platform Hearing

Feb. 24: Pam Cardenas for Clerk of the District Court Campaign Kickoff and Fundraiser

Feb. 24: Build the House – Nebraska Weekly Thursday Phone Bank

Feb. 25: CD 3 Platform Hearing

Feb. 26: The State Party Campaign Bootcamp Program

Feb. 26: Kristi Egger for Lancaster County Public Defender Campaign Kick-off/open House

Feb 27: The State Party Campaign Bootcamp Program

March 1: President Biden’s State of the Union Address

March 1: Welcome-to-the-Party call

March 1: Criminal Justice Reform Fundraiser for Pantos for Douglas County Attorney

March 1-20: NDP County Conventions

March 1: George Dungan for Legislature Primary Election Kickoff Fundraiser

March 9: Campaign kick-off for Deborah Neary for State Board of Education

March 9: Leadership Lincoln candidate forum with those running for Nebraska Legislature in Lancaster County.

March 10: DCCC District HQ Office Opening Party

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