OMAHA, NE – Yesterday the political shockwaves were still being felt with Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert’s public endorsement of Donald Trump for President.
Con el respaldo de Jean Stothert de un candidato que llama a las mujeres "perros" y "cerdos gordos" e inmigrantes mexicanas "violadores" y "traficantes de drogas", la pregunta que los Omahans todavía le hacen es: ¿por qué?
El miércoles, el ex presidente del Partido Republicano del Condado de Douglas, Bryan Baumgart, anunció que dejará el Partido Republicano porque Donald Trump es el candidato republicano.
However, it only appears to get worse for Jean Stothert in her decision to endorse Donald Trump. Just yesterday, Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush announced they would not be endorsing Donald Trump for President. The former Presidents were joined by past GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney and Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner in not only not endorsing Donald Trump but also not attending the Republican National Convention this summer.
“It’s a very simple question that Jean Stothert for some reason cannot or will not answer,” dijo Hadley Richters, Director Ejecutivo de Nebraska Democratic Party. “Why is she supporting Donald Trump after he has made so many offensive remarks about women, veterans, and minorities when former Republican Presidents and leaders have not?”
Notablemente ausente de su respaldo el miércoles, Jean Stothert no anunció si asistiría al mitin de campaña de Donald Trump en Omaha esta tarde a las 4:00 pm y si asistirá a la Convención Nacional Republicana este verano en Cleveland, Ohio para apoyar a Trump .
“Jean Stothert will at some point have to explain why she endorsed someone who not only offends women, minorities, and veterans, but also distinguished leaders and members of her own political party,” Richters said.