Lotta lies, Big Blue Canvass and more – #NebDems News

It was Marine Col. Nathan R. Jessup (played by Jack Nicholson) who uttered the now-famous line in the 1992 movie, “A Few Good Men.”


If you watched Attorney General William Barr testify this week before the Senate Judiciary Committee, it added to the burgeoning legacy that Trump and his administration seem incapable of telling the truth.

实际上, CNN reported this week this week that President Trump uttered more than 10,000 false or misleading things in his first 827 days in office, according to The Washington Post Fact Checker.

And that, sadly, is the truth.


But now for some good numbers:

一个 ABC News-Washington Post poll found that 55 percent of respondents said they will not vote for Trump when he seeks re-election next year, with only 39 percent approving of his work since taking office.

2020 cannot get here soon enough.


新民主党正在发布 呼吁所有民主党人采取行动 参加 5 月 4 日星期六上午 11 点至下午 4 点(中部时间)在兰开斯特县民主党办公室举行的 Big Blue Canvass, 林肯 O 街 3701 号。

您可以参加上午 11 点至下午 1 点的轮班或下午 2 点至下午 4 点的轮班。下午 1 点,两个班次都会提供食物。我们会在您出门敲门或打电话之前对您进行培训。如果你只能参观一个小时,那也很棒!我们将为您提供明信片,供您写信给选民。

我们的目标是让 100 名民主党人参与我们的 Big Blue Canvass,因此请立即注册,让我们知道您将加入我们。




Esquire’s Charles Pierce gave a shout out this week to NDP Chair 简·克莱布(Jane Kleeb) in a piece titled: The Democratic Party Needs to Learn the Definition of “Rural.”

“But very few people have worked harder to get the Democratic Party to take rural voters and their issues seriously than has Jane Fleming Kleeb, the state Democratic chairman in Nebraska, and one of the mainstays of the coalition that has fought to a standstill the Keystone XL pipeline. Kleeb is finishing a book aimed at debunking rural stereotypes and developing strategies to attract rural voters by focusing on their unique issues,” Pierce wrote.


Those wanting to attend the NDP’s State Central Committee Meeting and Trainings June 28-30 in Scottsbluff are urged to book hotel rooms now, as the rates will be going up.



In case you missed it, take 8 minutes and 14 seconds and watch U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris eviscerate the aforementioned AG Barr at the Judiciary Committee hearing.

It was nothing if not masterful.

–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监



5月4日: 大蓝帆布

5月7日: 林肯市大选

6月8日: 蓝凳培训:动员社区活动

6月28日至30日: 斯科茨布拉夫的SCC会议和培训
