平庸的废话等等 — #NebDems 新闻

As the worldwide coronavirus death toll zooms past 100,000 — including some 18,000 in the United States — most everyone outside of President Trump’s demented cabal has concluded that the POTUS badly mishandled the U.S. response to the pandemic.

So awful have his daily coronavirus rants become that CNN quit broadcasting them — choosing instead to focus solely on the remarks of medical experts such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — who, unlike the president, actually knows of what he speaks.

Esquire’s 查尔斯·皮尔斯 will have none of Trump’s banal blather.

There never has been an administration that better exemplifies the philosophical concept of, “You Be You” better than this administration* at the current moment. Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor worldwide pandemic will keep Camp Runamuck from its appointed spin, deception, and ass-covering.

It is increasingly clear that the president* is on the verge of taking the approach once recommended by Senator George Aiken in relation to the Vietnam War—declare victory and get out. He has set up all the elements of doing so. His enablers already have begun declaring victory now that it is becoming clear that social distancing is working. The president* is ready to get back to full operational misrule and, if things go badly wrong, and they will, he can blame the states, especially the ones with Democratic governors. He will then campaign on a field of bones as the man who stopped the epidemic.

I can hardly wait.

Neither can we. Just 207 days until the election, folks.


The NDP urges you to participate in your Democratic County Convention! Get all the information on our blog.

The NDP and local county parties need your voice and participation. All of the county and state conventions will be conducted on the phone due to the coronavirus.

–The county conventions are open to any registered Democrat.

You must register here by May 1 to receive the call information for your county convention.

–If you would like to run for a county or state party leader position — including our State Central Committee — please fill out this form by May 1.

–If you would like to run for a delegate position at the DNC national convention, please complete this form by May 26.


In case you missed it, the Daily Kos had an interesting article on Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District race.

“Forty-eight states and Washington, D.C., have winner-take-all presidential contests. Whoever wins the state gets all of its electoral votes. The exceptions are Maine and Nebraska — both of which apportion an electoral vote to the winner of each of their congressional districts. As such, Democrats need to contest the Omaha, Nebraska electoral vote. Because believe it or not, there are several realistic scenarios that get us to a 269-269 tie. And in that scenario, we lose the election.”

We can win back that CD2 Blue Dot!

See Ann Ashford’s latest ad.

See Kara Eastman’s latest ad.


The Nebraska Democratic Party is focused on making sure our elections are accessible and that the public is safe during the pandemic. We are shifting the majority of our resources to assist candidates to campaign in a new virtual world and to assist voters to Vote by Mail.



NDP呼吁国务卿鲍勃·埃夫嫩(Bob Evnen)和州长皮特·里基茨(Pete Ricketts)考虑因冠状病毒大流行而考虑完全移交给5月12日初选的邮寄投票。

他们最近表示,内布拉斯加州将于 5 月 12 日进行亲自投票,但内布拉斯加州的所有县都将向所有选民发送邮寄投票申请。

NDP是 散发请愿书 要求内布拉斯加州参加所有以邮寄投票方式进行的初选,以确保所有人的安全。

The NDP has launched an online portal for Nebraskans to request that a VotebBy-Mail application be sent to them.




The Candidates of Color Fund, under the direction of the chairs of the Black Caucus, LatinaX Caucus, & Native caucuses, are happy to announce they have funded $6,300 to 19 candidates of color running for office.

If you would like to donate to the Candidates of Color Fund, 点击这里。


有超过 550 名民主党人在内布拉斯加州竞选 5 月 12 日的初选!



由于敲门声已经结束,我们为 NDP 街区队长提供了联系选民的最新消息。




对于候选人,NDP编制了一份关于冠状病毒运动的指南, 您可以在这里阅读。

Thank you to our friends at The Management Institute, Tuesday Company, M&R Lab, Power Labs, Progressphiles listserv, epolitics.com, ASDC, DNC, Missouri Democratic Party and other Democratic state parties and committees for providing some of the content that we repurposed for this guide.

鉴于冠状病毒的流行和Nebraska Democratic Party关于取消面对面聚会,推迟所有面对面竞选活动以及采用偏远/虚拟环境的建议,我们希望向候选人,当地民主党和相关的激进组织提供有关如何在冠状病毒感染期间继续开展运动并与支持者保持联系。


我们本周离开您,提供以下内容: 迈克·卢科维奇, 这不需要解释。

–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监

笔记: 如果您想通过电子邮件接收#NebDems新闻,请发送注释至: info@nebraskademocrats.org



笔记: All of the NDP’s in-person events have been postponed until further notice. Check our Facebook page and website for updates. If you had planned to attend any non-NDP events, we urge you to check with the organizers on the status

4月24日: Last day to mail in your voter registration application, it must be postmarked by this date

4 月 27 日: 最后一天到 注册在线投票

4 月 27 日: 最后一天在您的网站上登记亲自投票 DMV 办公室

5月1日: Deadline for Vote-by-Mail applications to be received by your 县选举办公室

5月1日: Deadline to submit your registration to  attend the county convention.

5月1日: Deadline to apply for a county or state party leadership position

May 12: Primary election

May 26: Deadline to submit your candidacy for National Delegate
