Well, we somehow made it through the week without President Trump blundering us into World War III, though we’re not out of the woods yet.
The White House briefed key members of Congress on the drone strike Trump ordered that killed Iranianian Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani.
Some lawmakers who attended the briefing were understandably dubious — after all ,Trump had made 15,400 false or misleading claims since taking office as of Dec. 10, according to the Washington Post’s database tracking all of his suspect statements.
“It was probably the worst briefing I’ve seen at least on a military issue in the nine years I’ve served in the United States Senate,” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said. “I find this insulting and demeaning.”
On Thursday, President Trump told reporters that other senators disagreed with Lee, saying that those unnamed attendees referred to the briefing as the greatest presentation they’d ever seen.
Late Show host Stephen Colbert had a little fun with that.
”[Imitating Trump] ‘Yes, numerous people — real people — told me that. Like who? Uh, Senator Guy True-Person and Congresswoman Not-A-Lie Actual-Lady.’ ”
Back in Nebraska, NDP staffers on Monday delivered over-sized baby bottles full of toy rattles to Gov. Pete Ricketts and Reps. Don Bacon and Jeff Fortenberry after a GOP fundraising email showed they were rattled by the hard work Democrats are doing to turn Nebraska Blue.
The event was spurred by a GOP fundraising email plea before Christmas about “the creep of socialism in Nebraska.”
“They are building a progressive machine to … turn out the progressive left in an attempt to defeat Congressmen Bacon and Fortenberry and win the Omaha electoral vote,” Ricketts said.
The NDP sent out an email asking folks to make donations to help elect more Democrats and promised that if we raised $1,500, we’d deliver a surprise to Ricketts, Bacon and Fortenberry at their offices in Lincoln and Omaha.
We raised more than $2,500. And on Monday, we delivered on that promise. It should be noted, however, that Fortenberry refused to accept the delivery!
The 2020 Session of the Nebraska Legislature kicked off this week, and we’d like to salute the 18 Democratic senators who are helping row the boat:
Sens. Carol Blood, Kate Bolz, Machaela Cavanaugh, Sue Crawford, Wendy DeBoer, Matt Hansen, Sara Howard, Megan Hunt, Rick Kolowski, Steve Lathrop, Mike McDonnell, Adam Morfeld, Patty Pansing Brooks, Dan Quick, Tony Vargas, Lynne Walz, Justin Wayne and Anna Wishart.
Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics weighed in this week on Nebraska’s CD2 race:
The Omaha-based NE-2 supported Republicans in the past two presidential elections, but by decreasing margins, and could feasibly vote blue in 2020.
In a close national election, Maine and Nebraska’s respective second districts could provide potentially decisive electoral votes.
Monday, Jan. 13, is the first day to request your Vote-By-Mail application if you want to vote from home in the May 12 Primary Election. We have all the links to the forms and dates for voter registration and more on our 投票中心。
我们期待在 1 月 17 日至 19 日在诺福克举行的州中央委员会 (SCC) 会议上见到大家。残疾人核心小组将成为特色。
SCC是新民主党的管理机构。我们每年举行四次 SCC 会议,民主党人聚集在一起处理该州的事务。
欢迎民主党人和无党派人士作为嘉宾出席。只有 SCC 成员可以对议程项目进行投票。
We have two Delegate 101 trainings this Saturday in Fremont and Omaha.
CD1, Fremont, Jan. 11, 3-4 p.m.
–Keene Memorial Library, 1030 N Broad St, Fremont
CD2, Omaha, Jan. 11, 6-7 p.m.
–NDP Office, 5418 S. 27th, Suite 1, Omaha
Find out more and see the full schedule here.
如果您或您认识的人可能感兴趣, 以下是申请方法。
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如果您正在竞选公职,Nebraska Democratic Party 可帮助您浏览需要提交的所有表格。我们的团队可以与您会面以回答问题并帮助您入门。
只是电子邮件 info@nebraskademocrats.org 团队成员会尽快与您联系。
我们本周离开您,提供以下内容: 迈克·卢科维奇 on the aforementioned mess in the Middle East.
–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监
1 月 11 日: 在弗里蒙特委派 101 培训
1 月 11 日: 在奥马哈委派 101 培训
1 月 14 日: 在科尔尼委派 101 培训
1 月 14 日: 第七届民主党总统辩论
1 月 15 日: 布法罗县青年民主党会见新民主党主席简克莱布
1月17日至19日: 诺福克SCC会议
1 月 21 日: 《收获选票》新书发行