May 20, 2024
联系人:何塞·弗洛雷斯, Jr.,传播总监
402-215-1052, jose@nebraskademocrats.org
***Nebraska Democratic Party News Press Release for 5-20-2024***
Nebraska Democratic Party Statement for Senior Advisors for the Biden Campaign in Nebraska
LINCOLN, NE – The Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb issues the following statement regarding the announcement of Biden Campaign senior advisors, Precious McKesson and Meg Mandy:
“The state party is excited for Precious McKesson and Meg Mandy to serve as Senior Advisors to the Biden campaign and the Nebraska Democratic Party’s efforts to secure the electoral vote for the President and Vice President. Both McKesson and Mandy bring years of community organizing and political experience which is exactly what we need to protect the Jomaha blue dot! These next few months will be focused on registering voters, talking with Nebraskans at their homes and events, and helping our entire ticket of strong and diverse Democrats who look and sound like their communities.”
Precious McKesson is a proud graduate of Omaha Public Schools. She went on to pursue a career in the U.S. Army, receiving an Honorable Medical Discharge. Precious attended college in Birmingham, Alabama before returning to Omaha to raise her daughter. She served as the Finance Director for the Nebraska Democratic Party and was the Nebraska Political Director on the 2020 Joe Biden for President Campaign when CD2 delivered a key victory for the President. McKesson was the first woman and African American to serve as an Elector for the Democratic Party in Nebraska, making history with President Biden and Vice President Harris. She was appointed by the Biden Administration in 2021 as a special assistant in the Department of Education’s Office of Communications and Outreach, based out of Washington, D.C. McKesson returned to Nebraska to assume the role of Executive Director for the Nebraska Democratic Party in late March 2022.
Meg Mandy founded the New Leaders Council Omaha in 2014. She has worked on local, state, and federal campaigns across the country. She was part of the team that turned Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District blue in 2008 and then went on to work as the Political Director for the San Diego County Democratic Party, where she helped elect hundreds of Democrats across the state. Since her return to Nebraska, she has been a senior staff member of a gubernatorial campaign, has managed a number of local and municipal campaigns, and has been a digital communications consultant for local start-ups. In 2016, Meg managed the campaign of Senator Tony Vargas and served as his Legislative Aid in the Nebraska Legislature. In 2021, she assumed the role of campaign manager for the Tony Vargas for Congress Campaign and senior advisor in Vargas’ second bid. Meg also started One House Strategies Consulting in 2023 working with multiple candidates statewide.