Nebraska Democrats Planning Watch Parties for the 7th Democratic Presidential Debate

The 7th Democratic Presidential Debate is Jan. 14 at 8 p.m. CT

CNN 将与 The Des Moines Register 合作,在爱荷华州得梅因的德雷克大学举办第七场辩论。资格标准、格式和版主将在未来公布。

Here’s who will be onstage for the January Democratic presidential debate in Iowa and how to watch it.

Democratic Watch Parties (more will be added as information comes in):

–Greater Omaha Area Democrats and Nebraska Democratic Party
7:30 to 10 p.m,
B. Bar, 4330 Leavenworth St, Omaha, NE 68105-1032

–Lancaster County Democratic Party
晚上 7:30 至晚上 10 点
Lincoln Central Labor Union, AFL-CIO, 4625 Y Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68503
There is no food/beverage service at the Temple. Please bring your preferred beverage, snacks. Sharing is encouraged!

–Hall County Democrats
Francis Villa, 1405 W Koenig St., Grand Island, Nebraska 68801
The Event will be in the Community Room. (Parking lot in the back on Charles St.) Bring your beverage and snack of choice along with your deep and pithy political insights to share with everyone. See you all on the 14th!

