Numbing Non Sequiturs and more — #NebDems News

It’s no secret that since then-President Barack Obama utterly eviscerated Donald Trump (watch it here) at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner, the 45th POTUS has gone out of his way to undo Obama’s accomplishments or criticize seemingly everything Obama did while in office — often lying or flying loose with the facts to do so.

He kept it up this week as his administration was vilified for its feckless response to the coronavirus outbreak. Trump deflected criticism of his administration’s response onto his predecessor, complaining that a federal agency decision under Obama had made it harder to quickly enact widespread testing for the virus.

It should be noted at this point that Trump’s policies have translated into 700 vacancies at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Said Trump: “The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing, and we undid that decision a few days ago so that the testing can take place in a much more accurate and rapid fashion. That was a decision we disagreed with. I don’t think we would have made it, but for some reason it was made. But we’ve undone that decision.”

作为 纽约时报报道 after that utterance: “It was not entirely clear what he was referring to.”

True. But that could be used every day with Trump.

242 days until the election, folks.


There was a great turnout Thursday in Lincoln at the Lancaster County Democratic Party’s forum for the Democratic U.S. Senate candidates in Nebraska.

Candidates Chris Janicek, Larry Marvin, Dennis Macek, Angie Philips, Alisha Shelton. Andrew Stock and Dr. Dan Wik participated.

Kudos to LCDP Chair Janet Chung and Jessica McClure for putting the event together.***

With Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren ending their hard-fought campaigns for President — the contest now is effectively between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.

It’s been a long process, and there is more to go. Our primary is on May 12.

Chair Kleeb posted a message on social media we wanted to share here also because we know it is long past time for a woman to be in the White House and in other positions in our party.

“Wait our turn.

America is not ready yet.

Too harsh.

Too strong.

Too weak.

Not pretty enough.

We’ve heard it all. We say keep fighting, keep putting cracks in the ceiling. I’m angry we still have to fight for space. Elect more women to office and party leadership.”


NDP Chair Jane Kleeb and staff hosted two groups of international visitors this week who are in the United States to learn about our electoral process.

The visits were facilitated by the Lincoln Council for International Visitors.


Sad news this week on the passing of Native American journalist and activist Chuck Trimble in Omaha.

Trimble, an Oglala Lakota, was born on the Pine Ridge Reservation and attended the then-Holy Rosary Mission boarding school. He graduated from the University of South Dakota, served in the U.S. Army and later studied journalism at the University of Colorado.

Trimble founded the American Indian Press Association in the 1970s, citing a lack of coverage of Native American issues. It operated a news service for tribal newspapers across the U.S.



NDP将发送 33位全国代表大会代表 在密尔沃基。

自动代表是新民主党主席 简·克莱布(Jane Kleeb),第一副主席 理查德·罗格,国家委员会委员 罗恩·卡明斯基和国家女议员 帕蒂·齐格(Patty Zieg).

新民主党国家大会将选出另外29名国家代表,该代表将举行 6月5日至7日在奥马哈市区万豪酒店举行。

在此处阅读DSP 并了解如何成为代表。

另外,我们在进行 委派101次培训 跨州为人们学习成为代表的过程。

包括 3 月 7 日在埃尔克霍恩 和 3 月 16 日在北普拉特。


新民主党向州参议员致敬的年度活动将于 3 月 11 日在林肯举行。

今年的主题是立法的艺术。 在这里获取您的门票和桌子。


一定要订好房间和买饭票 国家中央委员会会议 3 月 20 日至 21 日在弗里蒙特举行!

工作家庭核心小组将在周五晚上与劳工领袖 Sara Nelson 一起举办活动,Sara Nelson 是空乘人员协会-CWA、AFL-CIO 的国际主席。

纳尔逊总统于 1996 年在联合航空公司担任空乘人员后首次成为工会成员,如今她代表着 20 家航空公司的 50,000 名空乘人员。

《纽约时报》称纳尔逊为“美国最有权势的空姐”,因为她在帮助结束去年为期 35 天的联邦政府停摆方面发挥了作用。 InStyle 杂志将她列入 2019 年“50 大坏蛋女性”名单。



我们本周离开您,提供以下内容: 迈克·卢科维奇, on the aforementioned inept response to the coronavirus by the Trump administration.

.–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon/NDP 传播总监

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3月7日: Tri-Cities Women’s Day March

3月7日: 在埃尔克霍恩委派 101 培训

3月8日: 2020 年奥马哈妇女节三月

3月11日: 向州参议员致敬

3月14日: 林肯妇女游行

3 月 16 日: Delegate 101 北普拉特培训

March 18: Democratic Primary 2nd District Congressional Debate

March 20-21: 三月 SCC 会议 (CD1) 弗里蒙特

3 月 28 日: 兰开斯特县民主党爱国者晚宴

3月29日: 世俗候选人论坛
