初级、大流行等 — #NebDems 新闻

OK, everybody is rested up, so let’s head to the Nov. 3 General Election and elect Dems!

But first, we have to acknowledge the strong slate of Democrats that advanced in Tuesday’s Primary.

民主党总统候选人提名的副总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)获胜,而克里斯·贾尼切克(Chris Janicek)在一场竞选中赢得了美国参议院的民主党初选,共有七名候选人竞逐该提名。

In the race for Congressional District 2, Kara Eastman, who barely lost her 2018 bid for the seat, won the nomination. Meanwhile, state Sen. Kate Bolz won the CD1 nomination.

In addition, 19 candidates advanced in Legislative contests and scores of Dems made it through in other races.

Congrats to all.

Due to the coronavirus, the NDP eschewed the traditional watch parties and hosted a Facebook Live event to watch election returns and let candidates address supporters.

There were a few minor technical hiccups, but the event was a huge success.


Back in Washington, President Trump keeps pushing for states to reopen as the coronavirus pandemic still presents a significant threat.

Trump has been increasingly annoyed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, who has been publicly tempering 45’s rush to reopen. Remember, it was Trump who disregarded a nearly 70-page pandemic response guide prepared by the Obama administration.

Trump, you see, says he likes to listen to his “gut.” As you recall, Trump got his start with millions of dollars in loans from his dad and then managed to fail in almost every business venture he launched. That list includes one nearly-impossible accomplishment of allowing his casinos to lurch into bankruptcy.

Blogger John Pavlovitz has had it.

“This President didn’t create this virus, but he ignored it, denied it, minimized it, joked about it, weaponized it, politicized it, exacerbated it.

He systematically removed qualified people and replaced them with genuflecting, sycophantic traitors — or with no one at all.

He generated a steady stream of partisan attacks and conspiracy theories and abject lies created in the moment, and the kind of “I am smarter than anyone in the room” sermonizing that cult leaders bellow all the way to the terrible and tragic end.

He is culpable for the chaos and the unnecessary illness, and yes the preventable deaths because of it.”

We’re down to 172 days until Nov. 3 — if we live that long.


Democratic leaders from CD1, CD2 and CD3 hev begun meeting to go over the NDP’s proposed 2020-22 Platform.

See our Facebook events page for details.



Vice President Biden’s new ad against Trump is incredibly powerful.



我们本周离开您,提供以下内容: 帕特·贝格利 on the not-so-spontaneous protests against stay-at-home orders in several states.

–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监

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笔记: NDP的所有现场活动均已推迟,直至另行通知。检查我们的Facebook页面和网站以获取更新。如果您计划参加任何非NDP活动,我们敦促您向组织者查询状态。

5月15日: 审查拟议的 2020 年平台的 CD-2 会议

May 16: 审查拟议的 2020 年平台的 CD-3 会议

5月17日至31日: 民主县公约
