Sharpie Shenanigans and more — #NebDems News

This week’s spin of “The Big Wheel of Astonishment” lands us on Thursday’s White House gathering hosted by 特朗普总统, at which he displayed a National Weather Service  map of Hurricane Dorian’s projected path that had been altered with a black Sharpie — his preferred writing implement.

The map was apparently “tweaked” to back up Trump’s earlier erroneous proclamation on Twitter that Dorian was headed toward Alabama — a claim which the National Weather Service said was simply not true.

Esquire’s 查尔斯·皮尔斯 dutifully weighed in:

“This is beyond belief. Even by this guy’s standards for cheap lying, this is off the charts, across the floor, down the storm drain, into the river, and long gone off up the gulfstream.

“Remember the other day when the president* said that Hurricane Dorian posed a threat to Alabama, and then the National Weather Service told all the people in Alabama to relax because the president* didn’t know what he was talking about, so they all shouldn’t run off to the Piggly Wiggly to buy 250 loaves of bread? Whereupon, the president* expressed his annoyance at his own National Weather Service for its role in helping him look foolish? Again. (Maybe it was just their turn.) This resulted in a couple of days of social-media snark directed at the president*s Very Great Brain.

“Sharpie? He either doctored—or had doctored—the map with a freaking Sharpie? I wonder if he did it himself or contracted out the work to the Department Of Embarrassingly Clumsy Fakes, led by Secretary Of Embarrassingly Clumsy Fakes Epstein’s Mother.

“A Sharpie.

“This is just insane.”

Yes, yes it is.


Back in the Cornhusker state, the Nebraska Farm Bureau estimated that Trump’s ongoing trade dispute will cost the state’s farmers $943 million this year.

Nearly $1 BILLION, folks.

Farm Bureau economist Jay Rempe said the lost revenue will add to the financial pressure on farmers in the state and hurt Nebraska’s economy.


作为 The Associated Press has noted, Nebraska Attorney General and Legal Eaglet Doug Peterson has not pursued a lawsuit seeking to hold any opioid manufacturer, distributor or pharmaceutical company accountable for the nationwide crisis that is ravaging families. That leaves him standing alone among state attorneys general.

Of course — and predictably — Peterson mustered the “courage” to sign onto a 诉讼 that seeks to get the U.S. Supreme Court to declare that a landmark provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 banning many forms of discrimination in the workplace does not cover discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Nice work, Doug, because Equal Protection is a bad thing.


新民主党的年度筹款活动——Morrison Exon Event——将于 10 月 27 日举行,重点是庆祝 #女性投票100! 演讲嘉宾和活动时间将很快公布。

你必须直到 9 月 20 日 到 提名一名志愿者获奖。


10 月 6 日,科尔尼将特别放映电影“清醒的印度人,危险的印度人”。

收益将捐给布法罗县民主党和 NDP Frank LaMere 研究员计划。

欢迎大家。建议捐赠 $10。



我们将举办一场 VendorFest和候选人简介 on Sept. 29 in Lincoln. This is a training targeted at candidates and campaign staff, but all are welcome. Vendors will participate in best practices panels facilitated by NDP staff and officers. We will also review the Candidate MOU, VAN, Coordinated Campaign and other information needed to run a strong campaign.

我们还有一个 蓝色大周末:SCC会议,蓝色长凳培训,黑色核心小组活动 10 月 25 日至 27 日在奥马哈举行。全国民主培训委员会的蓝板凳培训为候选人、竞选人员和地方政党领导人/草根活动家提供了三个轨道。所有三个轨道都接受了筹款、数字组织、通信和现场方面的培训。按照上面的链接预订您的酒店房间。


本周我们为您提供来自的渲染 约翰·杜林 on the aforementioned farm crisis being exacerbated by Trump’s ridiculous trade war.

–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监



9月12日: Third Democratic Presidential Debate

9 月 29 日NDP VendorFest 和候选人简报会

10月6日: “清醒的印度人,危险的印度人”特别放映

10 月 25-27 日: Big Blue Weekend:SCC 会议、Blue Bench Training、Black Caucus 活动和 Morrison Exon 活动
