If you summoned the fortitude to watch any portion of the Republican National Convention this week without breaking your TV, computer or smartphone — kudos to you.
It was a horrifying spectacle. A twisted combination of carnival-barking, snake-oil peddling and surreal spinning. In fact, the GOP didn’t even offer a platform, apparently content to instead make the Nov. 3 election all about Trump.
Bottom line: Trump’s message Thursday was “I am the only one who can deliver us from this hellscape, which is all my doing.”
But he did not give a speech. He gave a campaign-rally harangue for more than an hour, as his largely maskless crowd — packed together like fish sticks — swooned in the heat and contributed to what surely was another Covid-19 Super Spreader event, à la the Trump Tulsa rally that claimed the late Herman Cain.
A post-speech analysis titled “The Malign Fantasy of Donald Trump’s Convention” by the New Yorker’s Susan B. Glasser summed it all up.
But the real message of the evening was that nothing, not even a deadly plague or a cratering economy, can stop Trump from being Trump. He bragged. He lied. He even ad-libbed a taunt at his critics, using the White House as his prop. “We’re here,” he said, pointing to the flood-lit mansion behind him, “and they’re not.”
Just 67 days until the election.
Our Biden Yard Sign Drive-thru Parties were a HUGE success, but folks are still clamoring for more, so we have just announced a new round of events, starting this weekend in Blair.
You also come to our Lincoln and Omaha offices and pick up Biden-Harris signs or signs for other Democratic candidates.
—奥马哈 5418 S.27th,Suite 6,星期二和星期四,上午10点至下午6点
-林肯, 3701 O St.,套房200,周一至周五,上午10点至下午6点
你也可以 填这张表格 以获得拜登-哈里斯(Biden-Harris)院子标志,拜登(Biden)农场标志(4×6)以及凯特·博尔兹(Kate Bolz)和卡拉·伊士曼(Kara Eastman)的标志!
这 莫里森埃克森筹款活动 由于持续的大流行,今年将在线上-但该活动仍将挤满特邀演讲嘉宾、志愿者奖励和很多乐趣!
2020 年 9 月 27 日
VIP 招待会,太平洋时间下午 5:30
主旨演讲嘉宾和颁奖典礼,美国东部时间下午 6 点
A video from the DNC remembers party leaders who passed in the last year, including NDP First Associate Chair Frank LaMere.
As Frank said: “There is work to be done.”
确保您注册投票,并在以下位置请求通过邮件投票进行投票 NDP投票中心。
将Biden和NDP赃物带到 NDP /衬衫101商店!
我们本周离开您,提供以下内容: 迈克·卢科维奇(Mike Luckovich)。
–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监
笔记: 如果您想通过电子邮件接收#NebDems新闻,请发送注释至: info@nebraskademocrats.org
笔记: 如果您计划参加任何非国家发展计划的活动,我们敦促您与组织者核对大流行病的状况。
8 月 30 日: Blair Biden-Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party
9 月 1 日: 欢迎参加聚会电话
9月5日: 黑斯廷斯·拜登·哈里斯庭院标志直通车派对
9月5日: 弗里蒙特·拜登·哈里斯庭院标志直通车派对
9月7日: 希伯伦·拜登·哈里斯院子标志开车通过党
9月8日: 欢迎参加聚会
9月12日: 奥马哈·拜登·哈里斯庭院标志驾驶直通派对1
9月12日: 奥马哈·拜登·哈里斯庭院标志驾车派对2号
9月12日: 林肯·奥马哈·拜登·哈里斯庭院标志直通车派对
9月13日: 巴比龙·拜登·哈里斯庭院标志直通车派对
9月13日: 贝尔维尤·拜登·哈里斯庭院标志直通车派对
9月26日: SCC电话会议和州会议的延续
9月27日: 莫里森·埃克森 (Morrison Exon) 在家与内布拉斯加州民主党人举行年度活动
10月10日至18日: 电话银行:内布拉斯加州有100,000个电话