If you summoned the fortitude to watch any portion of the Republican National Convention this week without breaking your TV, computer or smartphone — kudos to you.
It was a horrifying spectacle. A twisted combination of carnival-barking, snake-oil peddling and surreal spinning. In fact, the GOP didn’t even offer a platform, apparently content to instead make the Nov. 3 election all about Trump.
Bottom line: Trump’s message Thursday was “I am the only one who can deliver us from this hellscape, which is all my doing.”
But he did not give a speech. He gave a campaign-rally harangue for more than an hour, as his largely maskless crowd — packed together like fish sticks — swooned in the heat and contributed to what surely was another Covid-19 Super Spreader event, à la the Trump Tulsa rally that claimed the late Herman Cain.
A post-speech analysis titled “The Malign Fantasy of Donald Trump’s Convention” by the New Yorker’s Susan B. Glasser summed it all up.
But the real message of the evening was that nothing, not even a deadly plague or a cratering economy, can stop Trump from being Trump. He bragged. He lied. He even ad-libbed a taunt at his critics, using the White House as his prop. “We’re here,” he said, pointing to the flood-lit mansion behind him, “and they’re not.”
Just 67 days until the election.
Our Biden Yard Sign Drive-thru Parties were a HUGE success, but folks are still clamoring for more, so we have just announced a new round of events, starting this weekend in Blair.
You also come to our Lincoln and Omaha offices and pick up Biden-Harris signs or signs for other Democratic candidates.
— Omaha, 5418 S. 27th, Suite 6, Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
–Lincoln, 3701 O St., Suite 200, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Also you can fill out this form to get a Biden-Harris yard sign, a Biden farm sign (4×6) and signs for Kate Bolz and Kara Eastman!
The Morrison Exon fundraising event will be online this year because of the ongoing pandemic — but the event will still be packed with special guest speakers, volunteer awards and lots of fun!
The theme this year is “At Home with Nebraska Democrats.”
Last year’s keynote guest was Speaker Nancy Pelosi — so you do not want to miss this year’s event.
September 27, 2020
VIP Receptions, 5:30 p.m. CT
Main Event with Keynote Speakers and Awards, 6 p.m. CT
Get your tickets and VIP tables.
If you have any questions on the VIP tables, sponsorships or anything else about the event, please email info@nebraskademocrats.org.
A video from the DNC remembers party leaders who passed in the last year, including NDP First Associate Chair Frank LaMere.
As Frank said: “There is work to be done.”
The NDP has started a series of Welcome to the Party online events geared to new voters. We will answer all your questions about voting and how to get involved. You can type your questions in the chat or ask them live.
Make sure you register to vote and request a Vote-by-Mail ballot at the NDP Voting Center.
Please share the above link with friends and family!
Get your Biden and NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!
We leave you this week with a rendering by Mike Luckovich.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to: info@nebraskademocrats.org
NOTE: If you had planned to attend any non-NDP events, we urge you to check with the organizers on the status due to the pandemic.
Aug. 30: Blair Biden-Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party
Sept. 1: Welcome to the Party Call
Sept. 5: Hastings Biden-Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party
Sept. 5: Fremont Biden-Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party
Sept. 7: Hebron Biden-Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party
Sept. 8: Welcome-to-the-Party Call
Sept. 12: Omaha Biden-Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party No. 1
Sept 12: Omaha Biden-Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party No. 2
Sept. 12: Lincoln Omaha Biden-Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party
Sept. 13: Papillon Biden-Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party
Sept. 13: Bellevue Biden-Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party
Sept. 26: SCC Phone Meeting and Continuation of State Convention
Sept. 27: Morrison Exon Annual Event At Home with Nebraska Democrats
Oct. 10-18: Phone Bank for Dems:100,000 Calls Across Nebraska