If you watched President Trump’s televised address on the coronavirus the other night, it certainly didn’t conjure up memories of F.D.R.’s famous “fireside chats,” which did much to allay fears during the Great Depression and World War II.
As Trump fumbled through the broadcast, he “decided to ad-lib — and his errors triggered a market meltdown, panicked travelers overseas and crystallized for his critics just how dangerously he has mismanaged the response to the coronavirus,” wrote the Washington Post.
说 Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute: “This is an unmitigated disaster that the administration has brought upon the population, and I don’t say this lightly.”
Venerable Esquire scribe 查尔斯·皮尔斯 had it.
“An unnerving revelation struck me as I watched the president* deliver his address to the nation on Wednesday night concerning this country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. At this point in his woebegone administration*, I much prefer the president* as the vituperative seventh-grade name-calling goon that he is on the stump than I do his periodic attempts to be a world leader. The former is more natural, more authentic, and therefore, and in a perverse way, more comforting. The latter just seems dangerous and weird.
Amen. Just 235 days until the election, folks.
The NDP on Thursday called on Secretary of State Bob Evnen and Governor Pete Ricketts to consider moving entirely to Vote-by-Mail ballots for the May 12 Primary Election in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
NDP主席简·克利布说:“鉴于这种流行病正在迅速蔓延,并在我们全国范围内造成越来越多的破坏,卫生官员正在敦促采取足够的谨慎态度。” “这是一场公共卫生危机,我们需要避免投票站和选举受到干扰的情况。我们需要进行一次所有的“按邮寄投票”选举。我们党准备与共和党人和政府携手合作,以确保安全的选举并保护我们的民主。”
For our part, the NDP will mail Vote-By-Mail applications to voters in addition to launching an online portal for Nebraskans to request a Vote-By-Mail Application be sent to them. 请参阅此处的在线申请表。
We were sad we had to postpone our Salute to Senators event Wednesday night due to concerns about the coronavirus, but glad to donate the food to the People’s City Mission.
Our team huddled with the hotel staff and our state senators and decided to postpone the event to ensure everyone is safe and healthy. Once we are past this public health crisis, we will update everyone on a new date and location.
In more coronavirus news, the March SCC Meeting and County Party Convention Training — previously planned for Fremont — will be held only online and via phone.
Staff and officers will be at the IBEW Hall in Lincoln facilitating the meeting online on March 21. You can watch the meeting on the NDP Facebook page or call into the conference line.
We also cancelled our Delegate 101 Training, which had been scheduled for March 16 in North Platte.
We will keep you all apprised of any developments impacting our state convention this June in Omaha and the Democratic National Convention this July in Milwaukee.
我们本周离开您,提供以下内容: 汤姆托尔斯 of the Washington Post.
–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监
笔记: 如果您想通过电子邮件接收#NebDems新闻,请发送注释至: info@nebraskademocrats.org
笔记: All of the NDP’s in-person events have been postponed until further notice. Check our 脸书专页 和 网站 for updates. If you had planned to attend any non-NDP events, we urge you to check with the organizers on the status.
3月21日: 3月SCC会议Facebook直播