Below is the statements released by the Nebraska Democratic Party and the DNC.
Nebraska Democratic Party’s 1st Associate Chair, Frank LaMere released the following statement:
”The disparaging remarks that Donald Trump made about Senator Elizabeth Warren was insensitive and ignorant at best and clearly racist at worst! I do not have to tell you what I think! To denigrate a whole race of people and some of our oldest Native and American heroes with a cute reference for political gain is beneath the office of the President. Sadly, most Americans see everything being said and done by Donald Trump as being beneath that office!”
DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement:
“Donald Trump continues to debase the office of the presidency. These code talkers deserve our nation’s praise and gratitude, not a president who disrespects the Native American community and dishonors Native American veterans. What Trump displayed today was an embarrassment to our values and a disgraceful insult to the heroes of our history. Our country deserves better than this.”
Background on Trump calling Sen. Warren a racial slur:
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