强硬的仇恨者等等 — #NebDems 新闻

Trump aide Stephen Miller — whose hard-line anti-immigration stance permeates White House policy — must be squealing with unrestrained excitement as nationwide raids to arrest thousands of members of undocumented families are scheduled to begin Sunday.

Of course, fear-mongering, grandstanding and brinkmanship are standard for the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, as Esquire’s Charles Pierce so-noted 本星期。

“This whole fandango has been about scaring poor and desperate people. This whole administration* is about scaring poor and desperate people. It’s the only consistent thing about it. It’s the only policy idea these geniuses have. Fear is the point as much as cruelty is. …They’ll round up maybe 50 or 100 people in 10 or 20 cities, trot them past a bunch of TV cameras, and wait for the terror to percolate in a thousand darkened living rooms.

“It’s not a bluff. It’s a living, ongoing threat. This is no way to run a democracy. This is no way to run a humanity, either.”




Tonight, 自由之光 is having a “Vigil to End Human Detention Camps,” that will bring thousands of Americans to detention camps across the country, into the streets and into their own front yards, to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees.

Lights for Liberty is a coalition of people, many of whom are mothers, dedicated to human rights and the fundamental principle behind democracy that all human beings have a right to life, liberty and dignity.


See details about the 自由之光 events planned in Lincoln, Omaha, Grand Island and Wayne.


NDP主席Jane Kleeb weighed in today on the resignation of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta on Friday following renewed scrutiny of his handling of a 2008 secret plea deal with wealthy financier Jeffrey Esptein , who is accused of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls.

“Sens. Ben Sasse and Deb Fischer followed GOP marching orders to confirm Secretary. Acosta knowing he gave a plea deal to child rapist Epstein. Good riddance to Secretary Acosta. Trump says he still stands with Acosta, which says everything about how low the Republican Party has fallen.”



内布拉斯加州的新民主党和县民主党正计划于 7 月 30 日至 31 日在底特律举行第二轮民主党总统辩论的电视观看派对。

2020 年民主党初选辩论是我们在这个周期中最好的、第一个组织机会。举办辩论观察派对是建立社区的好方法。

要寻找观看派对或注册举办派对, 点击这里。


提醒一下 这 2019 海伦布萨利斯午餐会, hosted by the Nebraska 民主妇女核心小组, will be held on August 9 at 11:30 at the Lincoln Station Great Hall. This year’s theme, “Women. Vision. Change.” focuses on the forward movement of Democratic women in our state.




我们本周离开您,提供以下内容: 比尔·布拉姆霍尔 of the New York Daily News after news that a constitutional challenge to Trump’s continued ownership of his businesses was ordered dismissed by a federal appeals court.


–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监



7 月 12 日: 自由活动的灯光 

7月23日: 美国参议院 2020 年听力之旅的 Chris Janicek

7 月 30-31 日: 民主总统辩论

8 月 9 日: 海伦·布萨利斯“鼓舞人心的女性”午餐会

8 月 22-24 日: DNC 旧金山夏季会议
