Garis keras Haters sareng seueur deui - #NebDems News

Trump aide Stephen Miller — whose hard-line anti-immigration stance permeates White House policy — must be squealing with unrestrained excitement as nationwide raids to arrest thousands of members of undocumented families are scheduled to begin Sunday.

Of course, fear-mongering, grandstanding and brinkmanship are standard for the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, as Esquire’s Charles Pierce so-noted minggu ayeuna.

“This whole fandango has been about scaring poor and desperate people. This whole administration* is about scaring poor and desperate people. It’s the only consistent thing about it. It’s the only policy idea these geniuses have. Fear is the point as much as cruelty is. …They’ll round up maybe 50 or 100 people in 10 or 20 cities, trot them past a bunch of TV cameras, and wait for the terror to percolate in a thousand darkened living rooms.

“It’s not a bluff. It’s a living, ongoing threat. This is no way to run a democracy. This is no way to run a humanity, either.”

Ngadangu, nguping.



Tonight, Lampu pikeun Liberty nyaéta gaduh "Vigil to End Human Detention Camps," anu bakal mawa rébuan urang Amerika ka kubu tahanan di sakuliah nagara, ka jalan-jalan sareng ka buruan hareup sorangan, pikeun protés kaayaan anu teu manusiawi anu disanghareupan ku pangungsi.

Lights for Liberty mangrupakeun koalisi jalma, loba saha ibu, dedicated ka HAM jeung prinsip dasar balik démokrasi yén sakabéh manusa boga hak pikeun hirup, kamerdikaan jeung martabat.

Aranjeunna gawé bareng sareng komunitas nasional, régional sareng lokal sareng organisasi anu yakin yén hak-hak dasar ieu henteu tiasa ditawar sareng daék ngajagi aranjeunna.

Tempo rinci ngeunaan Lampu pikeun Liberty acara rencanana di Lincoln, Omaha, Grand Island na Wayne.


Pupuhu NDP Jane Kleeb weighed in today on the resignation of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta on Friday following renewed scrutiny of his handling of a 2008 secret plea deal with wealthy financier Jeffrey Esptein , who is accused of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls.

“Sens. Ben Sasse and Deb Fischer followed GOP marching orders to confirm Secretary. Acosta knowing he gave a plea deal to child rapist Epstein. Good riddance to Secretary Acosta. Trump says he still stands with Acosta, which says everything about how low the Republican Party has fallen.”



The NDP and county Democratic parties across Nebraska are planning TV watch parties for the second round of Democratic Presidential Debates on July 30 and 31 in Detroit.

Debat primér Démokratik 2020 mangrupikeun anu pangsaéna, kasempetan pangatur munggaran anu urang gaduh siklus ieu. Hosting pésta nonton debat mangrupikeun cara anu saé pikeun ngawangun komunitas.

Pikeun milarian pésta nonton atanapi ngadaptarkeun host hiji, klik di dieu.


Panginget éta éta 2019 Helen Boosalis dahar beurang, hosted ku Nebraska Caucus Awéwé Démokratik, will be held on August 9 at 11:30 at the Lincoln Station Great Hall. This year’s theme, “Women. Vision. Change.” focuses on the forward movement of Democratic women in our state.

Hasil tina beasiswa dana tuang siang pikeun awéwé Nebraska anu neraskeun pendidikan, aktip di komunitasna sareng ngalaksanakeun politik progresif. Dana ogé bakal ngarojong calon di Nebraska.

Kéngingkeun inpormasi langkung seueur sareng mésér tikét di dieu.


Kami ngantunkeun anjeun minggu ieu ku Rendering ku Bill Bramhall of the New York Daily News after news that a constitutional challenge to Trump’s continued ownership of his businesses was ordered dismissed by a federal appeals court.


–Ku Kevin O'Hanlon / Diréktur Komunikasi NDP


Tanggal penting

12 Juli: Lampu pikeun acara Liberty 

23 Juli: The Chris Janicek pikeun Sénat AS 2020 Dengekeun Tour

30-31 Juli: Debat Présidén Démokratik

9 Agustus: Helen Boosalis "Awéwé Mereun" Luncheon

22-24 Agustus: Rapat Musim Panas DNC di San Fransisco

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