签名愚蠢等等 — #NebDems 新闻

Millions of Americans await their stimulus checks as part of the federal government’s effort to mitigate the economic Armageddon from the Trump administration’s abysmal handling (mishandling) of the coronavirus pandemic.

Many of those people are among the 22 million thrown out of work due to Trump’s coronavirus buffoonery — so it’s only fitting that the president insisted that his signature appear on the stimulus checks. Yes, yes he did.

纽约客 安迪·鲍罗维兹(Andy Borowitz) explained the situation:

… Trump vehemently defended his decision to have his name printed on millions of I.R.S. checks being issued to the American people, telling reporters on Wednesday, “I want my name to be synonymous with the coronavirus.”

Lashing out at critics of his decision, Trump said, “I have been working on this pandemic day in, day out, and I deserve total credit for it.”

He said that, by putting his name on the checks, “Whenever the American people hear about the coronavirus, the first thing they’ll think of is me.”

Asked about Trump’s decision to sign the checks, Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “I don’t think it was really necessary, since most people already associate the coronavirus with him.”

Former President Barack Obama said that he was “surprised” by Trump’s statement, remarking, “I had no idea that he knew what the word ‘synonymous’ meant.”

Just 200 days until the election, folks. You can take that to the bank.


The NDP urges you to participate in your Democratic County Convention!

The NDP and local county parties need your voice. All conventions will be conducted on the phone due to the coronavirus.


有超过 550 名民主党人在内布拉斯加州竞选 5 月 12 日的初选!

You can see the whole list here.

We have created Voting Cards for the four largest counties that list all the Democratic candidates:






Nebraska Democratic Party 的重点是确保我们的选举可以进行,并且在大流行期间公众是安全的。我们正在转移我们的大部分资源,以帮助候选人在新的虚拟世界中竞选,并帮助选民通过邮件投票。



NDP呼吁国务卿鲍勃·埃夫嫩(Bob Evnen)和州长皮特·里基茨(Pete Ricketts)考虑因冠状病毒大流行而考虑完全移交给5月12日初选的邮寄投票。

他们最近表示,内布拉斯加州将于 5 月 12 日进行亲自投票,但内布拉斯加州的所有县都将向所有选民发送邮寄投票申请。

NDP是 散发请愿书 要求内布拉斯加州参加所有以邮寄投票方式进行的初选,以确保所有人的安全。

The NDP has launched an online portal for Nebraskans to request that a Vote-by-Mail application be sent to them.




由于敲门声已经结束,我们为 NDP 街区队长提供了联系选民的最新消息。

你可以在这里阅读它。 大量的重要信息。


我们本周离开您,提供以下内容: 迈克·卢科维奇, on attempts by Wisconsin Republicans to suppress the vote in the recent election.

–作者:Kevin O'Hanlon / NDP传播总监

 如果您想通过电子邮件接收#NebDems新闻,请发送注释至: info@nebraskademocrats.org



笔记: NDP的所有现场活动均已推迟,直至另行通知。检查我们的Facebook页面和网站以获取更新。如果您计划参加任何非NDP活动,我们敦促您向组织者查询状态。

4月24日: 邮寄选民登记申请的最后一天,必须在此日期之前盖上邮戳

4 月 27 日: 最后一天到 注册在线投票

5月1日: 您收到邮寄投票申请的截止日期 县选举办公室

5 月 12 日: 初选
