Signature Silliness and more — #NebDems News

Millions of Americans await their stimulus checks as part of the federal government’s effort to mitigate the economic Armageddon from the Trump administration’s abysmal handling (mishandling) of the coronavirus pandemic.

Many of those people are among the 22 million thrown out of work due to Trump’s coronavirus buffoonery — so it’s only fitting that the president insisted that his signature appear on the stimulus checks. Yes, yes he did.

The New Yorker's Andy Borowitz explained the situation:

… Trump vehemently defended his decision to have his name printed on millions of I.R.S. checks being issued to the American people, telling reporters on Wednesday, “I want my name to be synonymous with the coronavirus.”

Lashing out at critics of his decision, Trump said, “I have been working on this pandemic day in, day out, and I deserve total credit for it.”

He said that, by putting his name on the checks, “Whenever the American people hear about the coronavirus, the first thing they’ll think of is me.”

Asked about Trump’s decision to sign the checks, Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “I don’t think it was really necessary, since most people already associate the coronavirus with him.”

Former President Barack Obama said that he was “surprised” by Trump’s statement, remarking, “I had no idea that he knew what the word ‘synonymous’ meant.”

Just 200 days until the election, folks. You can take that to the bank.


NDP ngadesek anjeun pikeun ilubiung dina Konvénsi Démokratik County anjeun!

The NDP and local county parties need your voice. All conventions will be conducted on the phone due to the coronavirus.


Aya langkung ti 550 Demokrat anu nyalonkeun kantor di Nebraska pikeun Perdamaian 12 Méi!

Anjeun tiasa ningali sadaya daptar di dieu.

We have created Voting Cards for the four largest counties that list all the Democratic candidates:






Nebraska Democratic Party difokuskeun pikeun mastikeun yén pamilihan urang tiasa diaksés sareng masarakat umum aman salami pandemi. Kami ngalihkeun seuseueurna sumberdaya urang pikeun ngabantosan calon pikeun kampanye dina dunya maya anyar sareng ngabantosan pamilih pikeun Sora Ku Surat.

Pencét di dieu pikeun daptar pikeun nelepon sareng ngirim téks pikeun calon.


NDP parantos nyauran Sekretaris Nagara Bob Evnen sareng Gubernur Pete Ricketts mertimbangkeun ngalih sadayana kana sora-sora Vote-by-Mail pikeun Pamilihan Utama 12 Mei kusabab lampu pandemi coronavirus.

Aranjeunna nembé nyarios yén Nebraska bakal milih sacara langsung dina 12 Méi, tapi yén KABEH kabupatén Nebraska bakal ngirim aplikasi Vote-by-Mail ka sadaya pamilih.

NDP nyaéta medar petisi pikeun nungtut supaya Nebraska angkat ka sadayana Pamilihan Umum Undian-demi-Surat pikeun kaamanan sadayana.

The NDP has launched an online portal for Nebraskans to request that a Vote-by-Mail application be sent to them.

Kantun eusian formulir ieu.

Simplemente llene la forma.


Kami gaduh pembaruan pikeun NDP Block Captains pikeun ngahubungi pamilih ayeuna yén panto-knocking parantos kaluar.

Anjeun tiasa maca di dieu. Ton inpormasi hébat.


Kami ngantunkeun anjeun minggu ieu ku Rendering ku Mike Luckovich, on attempts by Wisconsin Republicans to suppress the vote in the recent election.

–Ku Kevin O'Hanlon / Diréktur Komunikasi NDP

 Upami anjeun hoyong nampi #NebDems News ngalangkungan email, wartoskeun ka kami ku ngirim catetan ka:


Tanggal penting

CATETAN: Sadayana acara NDP sacara langsung parantos ditunda dugi ka aya bewara salajengna. Pariksa halaman sareng halaman wéb Facebook kami pikeun apdet. Upami anjeun parantos ngarencanakeun ngahadiran acara non-NDP, urang ngadesek anjeun pikeun mariksa ka panitia ngeunaan statusna.

24 April: Poé Panungtung pikeun ngirim surat dina aplikasi pendaptaran pamilih anjeun, éta kedah dipasang ku tanggal ieu

27 April: Poé kamari ka ngadaptar pikeun milih online

1 Méi: Bates waktos kanggo Undian Ku Aplikasi Surat anu bakal ditampi ku anjeun kantor pamilihan county

12 Méi: Pamilihan Utama

Siga tulisan ieu?