–Almost 500,000 Nebraskans requested to vote by mail in the 2020 primary election. In 2016, there were 288,799 total voters in the primary including in-person and mail-in ballots. That is a 73 percent increase in primary voters.
–Democratic voters are showing up strong with a 114 percent increase over the 2016 primary numbers (159,199 in 2020 / 74,344 in 2016). Republicans on the other hand have only seen a 26% increase. This includes only mail-in ballot requests.
-In 2020, 18,951 Independents requested a Democratic ballot. In CD2 alone, 10,925 Independents voted on a Democratic ballot which can be a potential margin of victory in the general election. The number of Independents taking a Democratic ballot saw an increase of 70% over 2016 ballots.