The early voting numbers in the Primary Election show enthusiasm is on the side of the Democratic Party and proves the Republican Party was dead wrong when they claimed voting by mail would suppress votes.
–Almost 500,000 Nebraskans requested to vote by mail in the 2020 primary election. In 2016, there were 288,799 total voters in the primary including in-person and mail-in ballots. That is a 73 percent increase in primary voters.
Democratic voters are seeing larger increases over the 2016 primary numbers than the Republicans.
–Democratic voters are showing up strong with a 114 percent increase over the 2016 primary numbers (159,199 in 2020 / 74,344 in 2016). Republicans on the other hand have only seen a 26% increase. This includes only mail-in ballot requests.
Population centers are seeing enthusiasm among in Democratic voters.
–In Douglas County, 44% of the Democrats requested to vote by mail on par with to 44% of the Republicans showing a continued split in the county that with investments can turn blue to help secure the electoral vote and a Congressional seat.
–In Lancaster County, 49% of the Democrats requested to vote by mail compared to 44% of the Republicans continuing the trends we’ve seen in the 2018 and 2019 elections where Democrats are sweeping local elections.
—In Sarpy County, 44% of the Democrats requested to vote by mail compared to 38% of the Republicans giving major signs of hope that Democrats can hold their own and stop Republican gains.
More Independent voters requested Democratic ballots.
-In 2020, 18,951 Independents requested a Democratic ballot. In CD2 alone, 10,925 Independents voted on a Democratic ballot which can be a potential margin of victory in the general election. The number of Independents taking a Democratic ballot saw an increase of 70% over 2016 ballots.