蓝凳计划(Blue Bench Project)旨在采取实质性行动,并确保民主党获得成为强大候选人和基层政党领袖所需的培训。
Nebraska Democratic Party 正在为选票上下的比赛打造我们的替补席;以及确保我们有不同年龄、种族和经济背景的人担任县级党和竞选团队的领导。
我们的 Blue Bench 培训是动手实践并强调行动。我们互相学习,因为我们都准备赢得民主党人的选举。
Since 2018 we went from 504 Democrats elected across Nebraska, to 902 elected Democrats across the state showing that the work we are doing is effective.
手表 我们的动员页面 for upcoming trainings you can be a part of– we host trainings all over the state and at each of our quarterly meetings. To schedule a specific training for your group or to find out the upcoming trainings contact us at: info@nebraskademocrats.org.
Nebraska Democratic Party 与全国民主训练委员会合作,后者为全国各地的政党领导人和候选人提供培训和资源。
The NDP provides a series of three core trainings for candidates, party leaders and campaign staff. The trainings lay the groundwork to establish a candidate support channel, especially for candidates and campaign staff, to ask questions and receive answers quickly and with ease. The core trainings we provide on a rotating basis include:
The Basics: Introduction to key tools the NDP offers including the voterfile (VAN), texting (e.g. Hustle and GetThru), phone bank (e.g. HubDialer), events (Mobilize), Candidate MOU and Training Manual, Voter Scores, Voter Guides, Block Captains and coordinated campaigns.
VendorFest: Bringing in vendors to speak about services and costs so there is transparency and access as well as hands on training for the tools and services most used by campaigns.
Pillars of a Successful Campaign: Creating a winning campaign, with best practices, in field, communications and fundraising.
NDTC 培训: 注册免费的在线培训 帐户现在可以访问全国民主训练委员会的重要信息。
NDP 候选人手册 + 培训: Once candidates announce they are running or contact the state party about running, they can get access to the candidate manual, code of conduct, and MOU. We do not publish these on the website. Candidates must first complete the MOU — please email ronr@nebraskademocrats.org.
如果您或您认识的人想竞选公职,请宣传 这个链接. Once a person completes this form, staff holds a meeting with the candidate and then they get added to a listserv and trainings