Zachary Mora James, chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party LatinX Caucus, called out the Republican National Committee on Monday after they announced the opening of a Latino outreach center in South Omaha.
“The Republican Party can open as many ‘community centers’ as they want — Hispanic voters will never forget their cruelty,” he said. “And we’ll never vote for politicians like Don Bacon who, time and time again, stand against our communities, children, and families.”
Bacon has failed on issues that affect Latino communities and communities of color, which includes immigration and DACA, but also affordable healthcare, education and job training opportunities, and against economic relief funding for South Omaha.
“The Republican National Committee’s attempt to engage with Latino voters is a farce and we see right through it,” Mora James said. “They’ve spent decades pushing policies that divide our country and have made clear that they have no interest in welcoming Latinos to the U.S. They have even gone as far as separating families fleeing from violence and oppression and locking Hispanic children up in cages.”