Party Overview

On This Page

Our state’s greatest strength is our people: honest, hard-working people from all walks of life. We believe in growing the good life for ALL Nebraskans, not just for the few at the top.

At the Nebraska Democratic Party, we want to do well for ourselves and our families–and do our part for our communities, state, and country. We respect the dignity of every person–no matter who you are, what you look like or where you come from.

Each of us has something valuable to contribute to our state. When Nebraskans work together, we can accomplish anything. Democrats fight every day to move our state forward and make our government and our economy work for every Nebraskan–not just powerful special interests.

Party Leadership

Sometimes it can be confusing how to navigate the Party structure, so we hope you reach out to us with any questions or attend your County Party Meeting to connect with Democrats from your area.

All Democrats are welcome to attend our four State Central Committee meetings each year where we conduct Party business and our Congressional Districts, Caucuses and Councils meet.

If you have any questions, please email

Key Party Documents


The national and state Democratic Party Platforms are position statements that guide the party on key issues from climate change, to gun safety, to racial justice, and jobs.

In 2016 and again in 2020, the national Democratic Party adopted the most progressive and compressive platform describing the ideas and values Democrats across our country hold.

The Nebraska Democratic Party Platform, the Foundation Statement, and the Permanent Policy Positions File are, in combination, the statement of beliefs that the State Party has adopted as a basis for guiding its actions. They have been adopted by a majority of delegates to the State Convention, and remain in force until the next State Convention.


Resolutions are discussed and voted on at our NDP meetings held four times a year and at our state convention once every two years. Resolutions are statements on current topics and issues.

We place all resolutions that did pass the NDP State Central Committee and the proposed resolutions that did not pass into a Google Drive. The resolutions are organized by “passed” and “proposed.

Constitution and By-Laws

The Nebraska Democratic Party Constitution and Bylaws govern our Party structure. Learn how our political organization operates and organizes to help elect Democrats to office.

2024 Delegate Selection Plan

Every four years, an election for President of the United States is held. As part of that process, each political party engages in a primary election in order to decide which candidate advances.

As a part of this primary process, each state is responsible for electing a slate of delegates who will represent the state at the Democratic National Convention. The Delegate Selection Plan lays the outline for how these Delegates will be elected.

Code of Conduct

State Central Committee

The State Central Committee (SCC) is the governing body of the NDP. 

We have four SCC meetings a year where Democrats gather to conduct the business of the state party. 

Democrats and Independents are welcome to attend as guests.  All SCC meetings are steamed on our Facebook page for the public to view. Only SCC Delegates can vote on the agenda items.

We archive the agenda packets, minutes, and attendance lists for our State Central Committee Meetings. 

Current Meeting Schedule

Accommodation Request: To request reasonable accommodation for accessible participation at NDP meetings, please contact or call our office at (402) 434-2180.

March 22, 2025, Lincoln

  • 30-Day Packet
  • 10-Day Packet
  • Day of Agenda Packet
  • Meeting Minutes

June 1, 2025, Via Zoom

  • 30-Day Packet
  • 10-Day Packet
  • Day of Agenda Packet
  • Meeting Minutes

August 16, 2025, Omaha

  • 30-Day Packet
  • 10-Day Packet
  • Day of Agenda Packet
  • Meeting Minutes

December 6, 2025, Via Zoom

  • 30-Day Packet
  • 10-Day Packet
  • Day of Agenda Packet
  • Meeting Minutes

State Central Committee Structure

  • Our statewide officers along with Caucus and Council Chairs are members of the SCC.

  • Two Delegates, of a different gender, are elected from each Legislative District. Additionally, two Alternates, of different genders, are SCC members but only vote in the absence of Delegates. All Delegates are elected, for a two-year term, at the Legislative District Caucus at the State Convention which takes place every two years.

  • If a Delegate moves, resigns, passes away, or does not attend two meetings without notifying the alternate and the designated NDP contact, a replacement will be elected at the next quarterly meeting of the Congressional District Caucuses.

  • In addition to SCC Delegates from the LDs, we also elect and appoint Committee Members along with Caucus and Council Leaders.

Who can be a SCC Delegate?


  • Registered Democrat
  • Active in Local County Democratic Party
  • Assists in Voter Registration
  • Supports Local, State and National Democratic Candidates
  • Supports Local, State and National Democratic Elected Officials 

Serving in a Party Role

You can serve in various leadership positions by getting elected at the county, legislative district, Congressional District or state level. All of these leadership positions help build the Party. When we have a strong Party infrastructure we win elections!

If you want to serve on the SCC as a Delegate, you should notify the NDP Office ( and let us know you are interested in serving in one of the vacancies listed. 

Your LD is the same as your State Legislative District. You can find your LD here.

You can see vacancies for SCC Delegates, Committees and County Parties here.

2017-2024 SCC Meetings Archived

March 2, 2024, Grand Island
Day of Agenda Packet
Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2024, Via Zoom
Day of Agenda Packet
Meeting Minutes

October 6 2024, Omaha
Day of Agenda Packet
Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2024, Via Zoom
Day of Agenda Packet
Meeting Minutes

Jan. 28-30, 2022, Via Zoom

Day of Agenda Packet

Meeting Minutes

March 1-20 County Conventions, SCC meeting


April 1-2, State Convention, Via Zoom

Day of Agenda Packet

Meeting Minutes

June 24-26, SCC Meeting, in Lincoln

Day of Agenda Packet

Meeting Minutes

Oct. 14-15, Kerrey Nelson Gala and SCC Meeting, in Omaha

30-Day Packet

10-Day Packet

Day of Agenda Packet

Meeting Minutes

Dec. 17, SCC Meeting, Via Zoom

30-Day Packet

10-Day Packet

Day of Agenda Packet

Meeting Minutes

Jan. 17-18, SCC Meeting: Norfolk

Featured Caucus: Disabilities Caucus 

January 10-day Agenda Packet

Day-of Agenda Packet

Proposed County Conventions Rules

Proposed 2020 Delegate Allocation

January Minutes and Attendance

March 21, SCC Meeting: Phone and Online

Featured Caucus: Working Families Caucus

NOTE: Due to the CoronaVirus, the March SCC Meeting and County Party Convention Training were held online and on the phone.

The meeting was streamed on FB Live.

March 10-day Agenda Packet

Day-of Agenda Packet

March Minutes and Attendance

May 17-31: County Conventions

Conventions were held in all 93 counties for the first time all online. Read about that process here.

June 13-14: State Convention 

The state convention was held all online. See the details here on rules and process that governed the convention.

The meeting was streamed on FB Live.

We elected officers, SCC Members, delegates to the national convention and electors. Read all about the convention results.

State Convention minutes

July 18-19, SCC Meeting: Phone and Online

July 10-day Agenda Packet

Vacancy Procedures

Day-of-Agenda Packet

July Minutes and Attendance

September 26-27, SCC Meeting and Continuation of State Convention Phone and Online

30-day Packet

10-day Packet

Day-of Agenda Packet

Rules Committee Final Report

State Convention Minutes

September Minutes and Attendance

March 28-30, 2019: CD1, Lincoln

Featured Caucus: Latinx Caucus

March SCC Day- of Agenda Packet

March Minutes and Attendance

June 28-30, 2019: CD3, Scottsbluff

Featured Caucus: Interfaith Caucus

June SCC Day-of Agenda Packet

June Minutes and Attendance

October 25-27, 2019: CD2, Omaha

Featured Caucus: Black Caucus

October SCC Day-of Agenda Packet

October Minutes and Attendance

December 7, 2019: SCC Meeting (phone)

December SCC 30-day Agenda

10-Day Packet

Day-of Agenda

December Minutes and Attendance

County Parties

How the State Party Works with County Parties

The State Party provides support and guidance to County Parties. Some of the support and services we have available to county parties include: 

  • VAN- You can sign the MOU and access the Voter File for your county.  The Voter file gives you access to tools you can use to make managing your county party and getting Democrats elected much easier. 
  • Infrastructure- We have extensive email and phone lists, we have access to texting platforms, we have a mail permit that allows us to send bulk mail at a discounted rate.  We can use these resources to help you build your county party and reach Democrats in your area.   
  • Literature- The state party creates lit pieces for outreach and voter education. We make these pieces available to counties and have worked with groups to develop targeted pieces.
  • Block Captains- Our Block Captains get 50 doors in their neighborhood and they talk to their neighbors about voting and civic engagement 3 times a year.
  • Blue Bench Training- We provide training opportunities several times a year and if you are interested in something specific, please reach out and we will do what we can to accommodate your request!