For a one-time “Never Trumper,” Sen. Ben Sasse scored a rather dubious distinction this week with full-throated support from the president via the electric Twitter machine, giving him Trump’s “Complete and Total Endorsement!”
This raised some eyebrows, as was noted in the Lincoln Journal Star.
“The newest Trump tweet sparked a reminder of his first reference to Sasse on Twitter on Jan. 29, 2016, at a time when Sasse was opposing Trump’s campaign to win the Republican presidential nomination.
“@BenSasse looks more like a gym rat than a U.S. Senator. How the hell did he ever get elected?” Trump tweeted at the time.
It’s difficult to gauge what changed Trump’s vacuous mind, but as was noted on MSNBC, 26 out of 53 Republican senators have visited Trump’s hotel in D.C, since he took office.
Well lookie there! Ben is on the list!
Meanwhile, “thanks” not only to Trump, but to Sasse and Sen. Deb Fischer and the rest for supporting the GOP Tax Scam that has ballooned the federal deficit to $1 TRILLION — and the year’s not yet over.
In addition, The New York Times reported that the number of Americans with health insurance declined in 2018 for the first time in nine years — largely because of efforts by the Sasse-Fischer-Trump Triumvirate and their GOP cohorts to weaken the Affordable Care Act.
Shameful and reckless.
The NDP’s annual fundraiser — the Morrison Exon Event — will be Oct. 27 and is focused on celebrating #women’s vote 100! The guest speaker and time of the event will be announced soon.
You have until Sept. 20 to nominate a volunteer for an award.
There will be a special showing showing of the film “Sober Indian, Dangerous Indian” on Oct. 6 in Kearney.
Proceeds will go to the Buffalo County Democrats and the NDP Frank LaMere Fellows Program.
All are welcome. Suggested donation of $10.
We will be holding a VendorFest and Candidate Briefing on September 29 in Lincoln. This is a training targeted at candidates and campaign staff, but all are welcome. Vendors will participate in best practices panels facilitated by NDP staff and officers. We will also review the Candidate MOU, VAN, Coordinated Campaign and other information needed to run a strong campaign.
We also have a Big Blue Weekend: SCC Meeting, Blue Bench Training, Black Caucus Event October 25-27 in Omaha. The Blue Bench Training with the National Democratic Training Committee has three tracks for candidates, campaign staff and local party leaders/grassroots activists. All three tracks get trained on Fundraising, Digital Organizing, Communications and Field. Follow the above link to book your hotel room.
We leave you this week with a rendering from Lee Judge on the departure of John Bolton as Trump’s national security advisor.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
Sept. 29: NDP VendorFest and Candidate Briefing
Oct. 6: Special showing of “Sober Indian, Dangerous Indian”
Oct. 25-27: Big Blue Weekend: SCC Meeting, Blue Bench Training, Black Caucus Event and Morrison Exon Event