NDP passes significant reform measures, candidate policies, resolutions

The delegates at the continuation of the Nebraska Democratic Party’s State Convention and our State Central Committee on Saturday passed significant party reforms, candidate policies and resolutions.

“All of these measures work to build the party and create a more inclusive and welcoming party at all levels,” said NDP Chair Jane Kleeb.

Party Reform Proposals, passed at the Continuation of State Convention, can be seen here.

Candidate MOU for 2021 Cycle, passed at the State Central Committee meeting, can be seen here.

NDP Platform for 2020-22, passed at the Continuation of State Convention can be seen here.

The following resolutions were passed at the NDP SCC Meeting on Sept. 26, 2020:

Resolution for a Bipartisan Electoral Vote Ceremony
Proposed by: Doc Moore, Rural Caucus Chair, LD 47

Whereas, the Nebraska Democrats are a unique and diverse group of individuals who value our Nebraska and American values,

Whereas, the Nebraska Democrats are mindful that Nebraska is known for its political innovation, and our citizens can unite in an understanding through our Nebraska and American values,

Whereas, the Nebraska Democrats believe that the Governor of Nebraska and the Secretary of State should invite all Electors-Designate of the Republican and Democratic parties to an Electoral Vote Ceremony.

Therefore, Be It Resolved: That the Nebraska Democratic Party urges the Governor of Nebraska and the Secretary of State to invite all Electors-Designate of the Republican and Democratic parties to an Electoral Vote Ceremony to witness the casting of Nebraska’s five electoral votes in this, and all future elections.


Resolution to Honor our Veterans and Current Military Members 

Proposed by: Quinton Corwin, LD 24, and Shirl Mora James, LD 30

Whereas, the Nebraska Democrats are a unique and diverse group of individuals who value and honor our Military Veterans and our current Military Members,

Whereas, the Nebraska Democrats honor our Veterans’ and current Military Members’ despite the current President’s dishonoring statements which he calls them “Losers and Suckers.”

Therefore, Now Be It Resolved: That the NDP stands in opposition to the current President’s dishonoring statements and the NDP will publicly denounce these dishonoring statements using media and social media sources, and in addition, NDP will send an approved copy of this Resolution to Nebraska’s Governor and to the current President.


Resolution to Expand Democratic Voters in Nebraska

Proposed by: Quinton Corwin, LD 24, and Shirl Mora James, LD 30

Whereas, Nebraska Democrats desire to increase Democratic voter participation in the General Election,

Whereas, Nebraska Democrats intend to increase voter participation by identifying new voters, first generation voters, and assist them in voter registration,

Whereas, Nebraska Democrats shall provide one on one education in procedures at the polls,

Whereas, Nebraska Democrats shall make a pledge to find at least one new voter and encourage them to register to vote by mail,

Whereas, Nebraska Democrats shall phone bank, text, call, or even write postcards to encourage new voters to register to vote and vote by mail.

Therefore, Be It Resolved: Nebraska Democrats pledge to assist at least one new voter each in the General Election who is a new registered voter or non-voter, to increase voter participation.


Resolution on Climate Change, Clean Energy, and Climate Justice

Originally proposed by community member Eric Williams
Proposed by: Stephanie Matejka, LD 46 and Convention Committee Chair

Whereas, the University of Nebraska study “Understanding and Assessing Climate Change: Implications for Nebraska” published in 2017 highlights the human-caused and accelerating changes to the natural climate cycle, as well as impacts to water resources, energy supply and use, agriculture, human health, and other sectors across Nebraska, 

Whereas, the Quadrennial Defense Review 2014 from the United States Department of Defense identifies climate change as a significant challenge for the United States and the world at large, 

Whereas, the youth climate organization Fridays For Future states in the Lausanne Climate Declaration of August, 2019, “We are fighting for our future and our lives because they are directly threatened by the climate crisis and the ecological breakdown,”

Whereas, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has declared, “Inaction is not an option. We call on policymakers to seize on an approach that rises to the challenge of climate change,”

Whereas, Leaders around the world and in the United States have worked for decades on the topic of climate justice. The products of their efforts include:

  • Establishing the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice,
  • Affirming the Rights of Nature and Mother Earth,
  • Acknowledging that particular communities and peoples have been disproportionately affected by fossil fuel projects in the past, and that some more than others may be directly impacted during our transition to clean energy,
  • Bringing into focus that those who are least responsible for climate change often suffer its gravest consequences.

Therefore, Be It Resolved: The Nebraska Democratic Party recognizes that climate change is occurring, it is caused mainly by human activity, the consequences will be severe and disproportionately felt by frontline communities, and that we can and must take direct action to reduce the causes and adapt to the consequences.

 The Nebraska Democratic Party affirms that climate justice must be at the center of our collective actions to address both the causes and the impacts of climate change, and that we will work to enact public policies based on mutual respect and justice for all peoples, free from any form of discrimination or bias.

 The Nebraska Democratic Party supports eliminating tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuels, and will fight to defend and extend tax incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy.


Resolution to Advance Racial Equity Through Community-Based Solutions Sponsored

Originally proposed by community member JaKeen Fox
Amended by Precious McKesson, LD 13
Seconded by Richard Register, LD 15

Whereas the Nebraska Democratic Party recognizes the importance of involving grassroots activists in the development of party platforms,

Whereas the Nebraska Democratic Party acknowledges that party platforms must include the impacted populations said platforms are meant to empower,

Whereas the Nebraska Democratic Party recognizes its responsibility to hold candidates and elected officials to a high standard of racial equity and anti-racist practices,

Whereas the Nebraska Democratic Party acknowledges its responsibility to speak out on elected officials who abuse the power of their offices in a way that perpetuates white supremacy, racism, and inequity,

Whereas the Nebraska Democratic Party understands the essential nature of educating candidates for elected office, as well as party leadership, on racial equity, anti-racism, and cultural competence in the effort to create a more equitable and inclusive party.

Therefore, Be It Resolved: The Nebraska Democratic Party will support activist reformation efforts by; denouncing the actions of elected democrat Don Kleine in his handling of the James Scurlock case in a way that perpetuated white supremacy and sparked deep division in Omaha, partnering with community activists to create an activist issue platform, partnering with racial equity activists and advocates to create a curriculum for political candidates and elected officials on racial equity/anti-racism/cultural competency to be renewed each year, and a standing meeting with activists to talk about the conduct of the party and its candidates/elected officials.


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