Equipo de liderazgo
- Joni Kuzma – Chair
- Larry Jess – Vice Chair
- Maria Gregg – Secretary
- Annette Wozniak – Treasurer
El condado de Buffalo en las redes sociales
Sobre nosotros
The Buffalo County Democrats (BCD’s) includes Kearney, Pleasanton, Ravenna, Gibbon, Elm Creek, and Shelton. In the past few years, the organization has regrouped and are very busy these days. We have an active group of members and a 300+ distribution list. We meet the 3rd Monday of the month to explore current issues, feature informative speakers and promote activities and events that further democracy. The BCD’s have a renewed commitment to increasing our visibility across the county by participating in area events (e.g. UNK’s Blue & Gold Student Day, PRIDE March), having a booth at the Buffalo County Fair and promoting the party in community parades, through social media on our Facebook page and our website, in writing columns for the Kearney Hub as a part of the “Gravel Road Politics” series, writing Letters to the Editor and sending press releases about monthly meetings, on a monthly local radio talk show (KGFW “Talk of the Town”), attending local meetings of governing bodies and speaking on pertinent policies, and supporting local, state, and national Democratic candidates and issues.
La Junta Ejecutiva se reúne periódicamente para planificar el año, establecer el presupuesto e identificar prioridades. Actualmente hay cuatro subcomités, cada uno dirigido por un miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva y compuestos por miembros en general: Justicia Social, Acción Política, Comunicaciones y Recaudación de Fondos/Finanzas. En los próximos meses, planeamos establecer un nuevo programa mensual de donantes, ayudar al NDP con el lanzamiento de un nuevo sitio web y realizar un picnic de inicio de otoño.
Most recently, the BCD’s are coordinating circulation of the petition, to put important measures on the ballot, with other community groups. We have distributed turf maps of Kearney neighborhoods and the villages of Gibbon and Shelton and have volunteers going door-to-door to contact voters. We have collected signatures at multiple community events. Also, one of our new members designed a large banner for the organization that will be used at events to invite people to register to vote and/or become involved with the Buffalo County Democrats. We are excited for and looking forward to the next year!
Conviértase en un condado de Buffalo
Capitán de bloque
Los capitanes de bloque obtienen una lista de vecinos (demócratas y no partidarios de tendencia moderada a izquierda) para contactar tres veces al año. Se necesitan conversaciones uno a uno para cambiar de opinión, y eso es lo que hacen los Block Captains.