Busy Biden and more — #NebDems News

President Biden marked his first 100 days in office this week with a speech to a joint session of Congress, where he outlined an impressive litany of accomplishments and plans to move the nation forward.

It admittedly has been nice since You-Know-Who got the boot from the White House by voters. This is not lost on the Washington Post’s Max Boot, who gave Biden high marks:

When it comes to evaluating his first 100 days, Joe Biden has an unbeatable advantage: He is not Donald Trump.

Simply by not inciting his supporters to attack the Capitol and not telling them to take hydroxychloroquine, President Biden looks infinitely better than his predecessor. There is, of course, much to be said in Biden’s favor beyond the obvious fact that he is the anti-Trump. But after the traumas of the past four years, I still marvel at the night-and-day differences. Even looking only at Trump’s first 100 days — and not what followed in the next 1,361 days — the comparison is lopsidedly, preposterously tilted in Biden’s favor.

Biden hasn’t gotten everything right … But you have to give Biden credit: He is actually trying to do his job rather than simply drawing attention to himself. That is something we once could take for granted.

Now we have to be grateful that we no longer have to wake up every day wondering what crazy, damn fool thing the president just said. As one voter told NBC News: “The best thing about Joe Biden is I don’t have to think about Joe Biden.”



In his first 100 days, President Biden acted to get America back on track by addressing the crises facing this nation: vaccinating America to beat the pandemic, delivering much-needed help to American families, making transformative investments to rescue and rebuild our economy, and fundamentally showing that government can deliver for its people.



We are getting closer to the city elections in Lincoln (May 4) and Omaha (May 11), and we have a great slate of candidates!

Lincoln City Council at-large candidates: Bennie Shobe, Sändra Washington and Tom Beckius.

Lincoln Board of Education candidates: Kathy Danek in District 1, Barb Baier in District 3 and Don Mayhew in District 7.

For Omaha mayor: R.J. Neary.

Omaha City Council candidates: Pete Festersen in District 1, Ben Gray in District 2, Juanita Johnson in District 2, Danny Begley in District 3, Vinny Palermo in District 4, Patrick Leahy in District 5, Naomi Hattaway in District 6 and Sara Kohen in District 7.

See important voting information and dates at the NDP Voting Center.


Help push those Democrats across the finish line! We need your help in these final days.

We have actions you can do that take from 30 seconds to two hours.

Something for everyone!


Save the date and help this diverse group of organizations fight for voting rights! Help ignite support for Congress to pass uniform voting rules and expand voting rights.

The House has already passed the Equality Act, and now it’s up to the Senate to take a stand for equal rights and dignity, no matter who you love or how you identify. Add your name here and take a stand for what’s right.


If you are interested in helping write a couple of Letters to the Editor — or even a guest op-ed — over the next year or so, please sign up here to help us support Democrats and our ideas.

The LTE Program is fairly new, but we’ve had some early success.

We can help give you pointers and show you how to submit your letter!


Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor!

Some 550 Democrats ran in races across Nebraska in 2020 and had a 71 percent win rate. Many of the services we offered those candidates were bolstered by our Monthly Donors.


We have launched a series of candidate trainings. The next one is May 15: Crafting your Campaign Budget, hosted by Sen. Carol Blood and other guests.

Having a clear understanding of the amount of money you will need to raise, where you will need to spend that money and how to make sure your campaign follows your strategy is key to campaign success. Join us as we walk you through the step-by-step process so you can hit the ground running.

Sign up here.


Welcome to the Party calls have resumed! We are excited to cover topics like city elections, voter registration and the Legislature. We also will be giving our caucuses and councils the floor to talk about their goals and how you can get involved.

The next call is May 4.

If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email gina@nebraskademocrats.org.



Get your Biden and NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!

The store now features some terrific Jomaha/Blue Dot swag!


We leave you this week with a rendering by Mike Luckovich.

–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director

 If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to: info@nebraskademocrats.org



April 30: Last day to request an early ballot for the City of Omaha general election

May 1: Last Chance Lincoln Lit Drop

May 4: Lincoln General Election

May 4: Welcome to the Party call

May 11: Omaha General Election

May 11: Welcome to the Party call

May 15: Candidate Training: Crafting Your Campaign Budget

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