While President Trump addresses the Republican National Convention on Thursday night, we ask that rather than spending time posting about it on social media that you instead join us for a postcard-writing event!
Sign up here to join us to watch the “speech” this Thursday, 8 p.m. CT/7 p.m. MT while we write postcards to voters.
The postcards you write are going to new voters to welcome them to the party. We want to make sure they turn in their vote-by-mail application so they can vote safely from home
Folks in the Omaha and Lincoln areas can stop by the NDP offices on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT to pick up a packet of postcards and mailing labels.
While you are there you can also get a Biden/Harris and a Bolz or Eastman yard sign!
- Omaha NDP Office: 5418 S 27th, Suite #1
- Lincoln NDP Office: 3701 O St, Suite #200
Folks in other parts of our state who can’t pick up packets can just fill out the form and we’ll send you an email with a list of 10 voters who you can write a short note to using postcards or stationary you have at home.